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Everything posted by shineladysue

  1. Melanie and your family have my prayers, as well. Sue
  2. Cathy, This news is so hard to read and I never know the right words to say. I don't know if there are right words. A Cancer diagnosis is so devastating, but all of us who have been touched with it either personally or because our family or friends have it , have had a chance to see life as others never will. Because of this support group, we are able to talk to one another about it. I'm so glad you came to us tonight Cathy. As for myself, I want to cry with you, I want to try to find a peaceful acceptance in this and find the strength to go on. A part of me really doesn't want to do this. I want to run away , I want to hit something, I want to cry... Damnit!!! I know that won't help you and it won't help me, but it hurts to see you posting this news. It hurt when Betty posted this week about her case. In the meantime, my husband is having an unexpected setback and we don't know the outcome. As you can see, I'm thinking out loud here and maybe I'm not making any sense, but Cathy , I have come to respect and admire you , as well as to really care what happens to you . I think at this point , we let go and let God. I'm starting to understand the true meaning of that. God be with you. Love, Sue
  3. Peggy, First of all, it sounds like you need to take care of yourself. Sure hope for good news as far as your hubby is concerned . I'm so sorry to hear your son has been so ill. I hope he gets home this weekend and maybe you all can rest a bit. I recently spent about 2 weeks with 3 family members going through a medical crisis all at once. It is very draining. I want you to know that I am keeping you and yours in my prayers... (((Hugs))), Sue
  4. David, I am at a loss for words. Just know that I am so sorry about the loss of your mom. Thank you for taking the time to let us know. She will be missed by us all. My thoughts and prayers are with your family. Sue
  5. Welcome Back Connie!!! The pictures are a wonderful treat, Katie. It's good to see all of you . Looking forward to hearing all those stories. Take your time and just know we are glad to see you back and looking so good. (((Hugs))) Sue
  6. Happy Birthday Cyndy!!!
  7. Tami, Thank you for a very inspiring post. Enjoy your kitties and take pictures if u can.. (((hugs))) sue
  8. Val, This is just a guess, but it may be the dexamethasone. Mike has had 6 treatments of Alimta and never had nausea, but the shakiness and also the sudden drop a couple days after treatment are typical of steroid withdrawl. He always felt good the day of treatment and the day after, but the next day and about the next 5 he would feel very fatigued. Hope she will feel a bit better in a day or so. The fatigue may persist for a bit, but hopefully she will feel better otherwise. Our problem now is Mike is suffering from inflammation of his lung from chemotherapy. ... Keeping you and your mom in our prayers... Sue
  9. Beth, Sounds like the Alimta is treating you well, overall. The shrinkage is wonderful news. Hope you will soon be feeling better so you can enjoy the good news for a change. (((Hugs))), Sue
  10. Oh Mrs. Manny, My heart goes out to you and Hubby. How very stressful this must be. Hoping and praying you get a diagnosis and plan of treatment , that you have confidence in, very soon. God Bless you, Sue
  11. This is great news about Ron. Hope he continues to do well and will be out of there soon. Sue
  12. Sandy, Know that you have my prayers. God Bless you!!! Sue
  13. I am so sorry to hear of your loss. God Bless you, Sue
  14. Dear Tess, I am so very sorry. It seems it was just yesterday that you lost Rod and now your Mom. I just can't find the words to express how I feel. Please accept my heartfelt sympathy. May God give you the strength to get through the days ahead. Love, Sue
  15. Marilyn, I'm sorry I can't answer your question, but I wanted to drop in and welcome you. Hopefully someone can answer your question soon. Know that this his a wonderful group of people and we are sorry you have to be here , but glad to have you with us. Sue
  16. Sending more prayers to you Ms Cindi. I want to hear you are settled and headed out fishing to celebrate... I can only imagine what an awesome task this has been for you , but I hope in the long run you will be very content in your new home. (I'll be looking for a celebration in the pub when that is done). Love, Sue
  17. Cathy , I just want you to know that my thoughts and prayers are with you. God Bless you, Sue
  18. Fay, I'm so sorry you have to live with such a horrible memory. That sounds like the nightmare from h----. I can't think of any excuse for a human being to be treated like that. I hope that others, facing surgery, will know that it shouldn't ever be this way. I know I stayed right with Mike 4 years ago, in April, when he had his lung removed. I wanted to make sure he didn't lay there helplessly needing anything. Fortunately, his experience was nothing like yours. He made out exceptionally well and his epidural worked like a charm. (((Hugs))), Sue
  19. Thank you, Tiny, for giving a part of yourself to this family 2000 times. Awesome!!! (((Hugs))) Sue
  20. Randi, Please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you. I'm so sorry you are having to go through this, but I pray God will give you and your family the strength to carry you . Love, Sue
  21. Val, Mike says he hasn't experienced any lung pain and overall ,Alimta has been kind to him until now..... well, we can't blame the Alimta, but if you read my post on test time /result time you will see he is having some inflammation to the lung . This is probably related to chemo, as a whole, and radiation and not Alimta. This is an ongoing situation at the moment and I really don't have answers, but overall there are a lot of positive indications from Alimta for Mike. He has been stable since early Decemeber. As for your mom, if she is concerned she should have it checked out. My best to her on the Alimta, read my post so you will know what to be aware of. My prayers are going out for you and mom. Love, Sue
  22. Melanie, Thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings with us. I have to admit the tears are running down my face, but on the otherhand it is very comforting. God Bless you, Sue
  23. Thanks for letting us know Don. Congratulations Ry, I just want to thank you for all that you do for this group. I always enjoy your reading your posts for the humor, the wisdom and the compassion. You are a valued member and loved by many. Love, Sue
  24. Melanie, This is an area that I have no experience with , but I want you to know that you are in my prayers . God Bless you, Sue
  25. Bill and jang, Please know you are in my prayers for successful surgeries on Wednesday and a full cancer free recovery. God Bless you, Sue
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