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Everything posted by shineladysue

  1. Bobby, hope Beverly keeps on improving with each new day. Lots of prayers coming your way . Sue
  2. It seems so unfair that you have this worry too. I know , I myself am having to pay Cobra prices for insurance and I have no income.. robbing my savings blind. I'm sure the link Katie gave you is a good one and I do know that there is a way to get coverage for cancer. You might want to check with the American Cancer Society. I have heard they can steer you in the right direction. Good luck and lots of prayers for you and Harry. Sue
  3. That must have been such a frightening experience, to say the least. As for the Navelbine, my husband found it to be the mildest of chemos. I hope it will be kind to you and you will have great results. Sue
  4. Awesome News, Mitchell. So very happy for you and of course, for your mom. Sue
  5. News worth waiting for.... Happy for you , Debi. Sue
  6. Oh Donna, That nurse has no right to be playing God and it seems something is totally lacking in her training. I would not allow her back and would demand that she is replaced with someone who has sense. I'm so sorry this happened to your mom. You have every right to be upset. Take care and God bless. Sue
  7. Oh Missy, where have I been? So sorry you have had so many scares with Xavier, but it sounds like things are better now. He is so precious. I just want to reach in and hold him. Thanks for the update. Keep us informed... we care.. Love, Sue
  8. Debi, that's funny . I think I will opt out of this one... Sue
  9. Ry and John, I am so very sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Love, Sue
  10. So very sorry for the losses in your family. Please accept my sincere condolences . You and your family will be in my prayers. Sue
  11. Jack, Please accept my heartfelt sympathy for your loss. Cheryl was the example of a real fighter and I was very inspired by the way she fought her courageous battle. There just aren't words to let you know how I feel. I lost my husband, of 38 years, just last year and I know how painful a loss it can be. God Be with you and your family, Jack. Sue
  12. My prayers headed your way for a very successful surgery on the 18th. Sue
  13. (((Carleen))) Happy Birthday Keith!!! Love, Sue
  14. Dina, Lots of prayers on the way for you and Dad. Sue
  15. (((Jane))), How absolutely beautiful. Thank you for sharing with us. God Bless. Sue
  16. I'm just so sorry. My prayers to your family. Sue
  17. shineladysue

    8 Weeks

    (((Teri))), How could it be 8 weeks? You truly inspire me with the way you think things out and forge ahead. It's not easy. It has been a little over 1 1/2 years for me and I don't think I have yet learned how to rationalize my thinking so that I can move on. I'm not sure I have really reached acceptance yet. I still feel in limbo like I'm waiting for something. God Bless you Teri. Sue
  18. (((Jill))), you and your family have my heartfelt sympathy. I am so very sorry . You have my prayers for strength to get you through this painfully difficult time. Love, Sue
  19. (((Nova))), My heart goes out to you and to Harry. I can't imagine being the patient so I can't imagine what Harry is feeling. As a caregiver, I do know how hard it is and what an emotional roller coaster it is. I hope you can somehow tell him that you and the kids love him so much and you need him to talk and share that love. Hoping things get better. Hugs, Sue
  20. Thanks, Larry. I like that one. Sue
  21. Robin, My husband was given good advice from his doctor's , early in his journey. The doctor's told him that at times he may not want to eat , but he had to think of food like you do medication and eat it for your recovery. He did like Boost plus and drank a lot of it .. vanilla only . I have heard many say that the chocolate is sickeningly sweet. As for the feeding tube, he did end up having one, but not to be used for lack of appetite. He had to have a stent put in his esophagus when his tumor began to close in on that area. The feeding tube was put in as a back up measure if the stent were to become dislodged. We did use it on one occasion when he became very ill after some surgery. It is not hard to use, but would not be my first choice as a way to get nourishment. Sue
  22. I'm sure I have somewhere along the way. I love rainy days. Sue
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