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Everything posted by shineladysue

  1. Prayers on th way for Liz. Sue
  2. Prayers on the way for your grandpa. May God be with your family. Sue
  3. WOO HOO!!! and oh how I love seeing this in the "GOOD NEWS". I'm just over the top with joy for you... Ned is wonderful!!! Sue
  4. Just seeing these pictures of your precious, Levi, reminds me of all the time we were hoping for "bunny to have a a baby bunny"... He's just perfect.. Sue
  5. Shirley, I am so very sorry for you loss. Know that we will be here for you. Sue
  6. Thanks for letting us know , Ry. Rich will most certainly be in my prayers. Sue
  7. David, I am so very sorry for your loss. Know that we will be here for you. Pammie was such a sweet , thoughtful person and will be missed by those of us who knew her. Sue
  8. Wonderful news!!! I'm happy for you and your family. Sue
  9. My best to you and your husband as he goes through radiation treatment. The worst my hubby had was the sore throat. The magic mouthwash helps quite a bit and the fact that it doesn't last a long time. We found that drinking Boost plus ( he loved Vanilla) helped to keep up his calorie and vitamin intake when he wasn't quite up to swallowing. Pasta, Rice and soft foods are a help as well. Good Luck. Sue
  10. Nicole, that's great news on the scan results. Will be keeping your mom in my prayers for her treatment to go well and to kick some cancer butt. Sue
  11. Maryannne, Thanks for the invitation to the Pub. Big Congratulations to our Kasey and Fred!!! Thank you for all that you do. I'm bringing extra champagne to go with Lily's and a big ole soup bone for Teddy. Take it easy you guys. Love, Sue
  12. Such a beautiful tribute. Sorry for your loss, but glad you found us. We understand. God Bless you and your family. Sue
  13. Thank you for sharing your Grandma with us. She is a special lady and so are you. Both of you and your family have my prayers. God Bless, Sue
  14. I'm so sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers will be with your family . Know that we will be here for you. Sue
  15. shineladysue


    Thanks for the update, Aaron. As always, prayers are coming from my way . Keep us updated. Sue
  16. Steroids can most definitely be the cause of the changes in mental behavior. My husband was very sensitive to steroids and at one time he was on large amounts and went into a kind of psychosis. Even the smallest amount of prednisone was enough to make him irritated and aggressive, but larger amounts made him not know what he was doing. His entire behavior became bazaar. It was slowly better as drug amounts were lessened. Sue
  17. Teresa, will keep your dad and your family in my prayers. Please keep in touch. Sue
  18. Midge, I am so very sorry for your loss. Your sister sounds like such a beautiful person. May God be with you in the days ahead. Sue
  19. Thank you , Jamie. You are truly an angel .. God Bless you. Sue
  20. (((Pat))), You have no idea how many times I have thought of you. I hope you are doing okay. I will never forget you. God Bless you and know that I would love to hear from you. Love, Sue
  21. If you don't feel you have a good understanding of the doctors decisions , ask questions. If you don't have confidence, get second opinions. I do know that chemo breaks can be as beneficial as chemo at times. You have my prayers , ALWAYS. Love , Sue
  22. shineladysue

    Our father

    Leslie and Adrian, I am so very sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with your family. Sue
  23. Such a wonderful tribute to a very kind and inspirational man. My thoughts and prayers are with Rochelle, the kids , their families and friends. Love, Sue
  24. Remembering my precious Mike who would have been 63 2 days ago on Oct. 30th. I miss him so much. Sue
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