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Everything posted by shineladysue

  1. (((Bobby))), I'm so sorry , but I have to admit that you made me smile too... as you so often do. I hope that one day you will be able to smile about this too. Keep your sense of humor,it will help at the times when you need it the most. Hope you are feeling better today and that you do get some hotfries. Sue
  2. (((Pat))), You and Brian, gave so much of yourselves to all of us during Brian's journey. The memory of Brian will forever live on in my mind and heart. The love and support the two of you gave to all of us could never be forgotten by me or many of us here. We felt we knew your "Superman" and he was so incredibly courageous. Missing him with you , Pat. Thank you for sharing your personal encounter during those final days and hours. You are truly loved , Pat. Thank you for being you. God Bless, Sue
  3. You don't need to apologize. We are just sorry that you have to be here, but glad you returned. There are so many here who will be glad to help you answer questions and give you support. We care and we understand. Sue
  4. (((Blueeye))), I am so very sorry for your loss of your "baby girl". Wish there was something I could say to make the pain go away. My pets were always like my children and losing them was devastatingly painful. Again, I'm so sorry. Sue
  5. Donna, I'm so very sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with your family. Luv, Sue
  6. Gee, Maryanne, you put this on JUST FOR FUN... and I can't stop crying.. why I ask myself. I don't know. It was cute. Sue
  7. Add me to the "grateful to have Jackie back" bunch. Woo Hoo , Jackie, it's good to see you and to be inspired by your "full barrel". Love, Sue
  8. (((Donna))), I am so very sorry to be reading this. Saying prayers for you , your cousin and your family . Sue
  9. Patti, Thank you for letting us know about Judy. I'm so very sorry. My thoughts and prayers are with her family and friends. I hope her daughter, Brooke, will join us. We understand and will be happy to welcome her here to join our family. Sue
  10. Thank you and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you too, John!!! Sue
  11. Hopeful, There are many chemo drugs to choose from. Everyone reacts differently . "Hopeful"ly , the next choice will be the perfect one for you. I do understand how discouraging this news can be, but know that it just means a new game plan ahead. We will be here for you. Hang in there and know that people here understand and can oftentimes be very helpful. Try to relax and enjoy your holidays. Sue
  12. My goodness Jean, your poor Jim has been through so much since you last posted. It sounds like things are moving in the the right direction now. Hope his chemo will go smoothly and he will be heading home to be with family for Christmas. You and your family will be in my prayers. Keep us updated. Sue
  13. Jackie, I am so very sorry for your loss. My sincere condolences to you and your family. God Bless, Sue
  14. Merry Christmas, Donna!!!
  15. Merry Christmas Lillian. Sue
  16. Don't know if all of you have seen the update that Donna G. put in GOOD NEWS , yesterday. Be sure to read it.... Connie B 12/20 1st day post op Sue
  17. Fantastic news!!! I've been looking all day for an update and I just found this. Should have known to look in "GOOD NEWS" first. Praying this is first of many updates to go in this forum. Thanks, Donna G and ,of course, Maurie. Continued Prayers, Sue
  18. Donna ,thanks so much for this update. Connie will certainly have my continued prayers. Will be looking for further updates, when you have them. Love and Prayers, Sue
  19. So far, so good. Thank you, Andrea. We are out here praying and hand wringing and pacing the floor. It's getting a bit sweaty under these party hats. Your update is so appreciated. Now , I will go back to praying. Sue
  20. I love celebrating good news . To many many more. Sue
  21. Soo cute, Cyndy. That one just makes me smile. Sue
  22. Grateful that my mom is feeling good and her last xray showed NED . She is enjoying this day , her 79th birthday. Grateful to be a part of such a wonderful and supportive group through good times as well as the rough times. Grateful that we can send all those prayers to our Connie B. God be with you , Connie. Sue
  23. Praying hard. Relax Connie, we got you covered. Love and Prayers, Sue
  24. Mike is bringing some delicious rib eye steaks cooked over mesquite charcoal and the Bud Light, plus a huge smile and a fun inviting personality. What a wonderful idea , Kelly. They are all probably having a big laugh at us. Sue
  25. Lots of prayers for Connie, Maurie , the doctors and for our Katie B. God be with all of you. Love, Sue
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