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Everything posted by shineladysue

  1. More Hugs for one special gal. Thinking of you Jackie. Sue
  2. Ry, Thank you for starting this thread. It has been nearly two years since Mike passed and I still have loose ends to wrap up. I did the things you initially have to do with Social Security, Life insurance etc. I did get my car put in my name only, was able to go online and get the forms and information to mail in and it was no problem. I however started dragging my feet after that and I still have most of my bills still in his name or ours. I've been afraid to change charge accounts because they might make me prove I have an income to pay them and at present I don't . As for checking account, I read somewhere that you should open an account in your name and gradually move the funds over , leaving some in that account until you are ready to close it. I'm still using our old account and still have our names on the checks. One thing you might want to think about is that any refund checks that may come in his name, you will still be able to deposit in that account by just writing for deposit only on the back, so don't close it. There's another thing... I desperately need to work and I have no idea where. I've been living on insurance proceeds , but they will run out and I will be up the creek. I haven't worked , except for a bit of part time odd stuff, over all the years since we got married. I'm a lost soul... Anyone want to hire me? I would love a work at home job. Look at me, this is your thread and I'm getting carried away, but I too have not had much success finding out the answers to all the practical stuff that I need to do. I have so much more to handle. I haven't handled this widowhood stuff well. My ability to focus seems to be zilch. Sorry for all this venting, but have needed a place to do that. Sue
  3. shineladysue

    Wedding Rings

    Teri, I've been thinking about this lately , myself. It has been nearly two years since Mike passed, but I still wear mine. I'm just not ready to take them off . I don't know if I ever will be. I don't think there is a right or wrong thing to do. Wearing my rings gives me comfort in some way. Thanks for asking this question. I'm interested in what others have to say. Hugs, Sue
  4. shineladysue

    Scan results

    Yesssssssssssssss!!! Stable and benign, what more could we want to hear. That is wonderful news , Fred. Hope Kasey's doctor agrees. Let us know. In the meantime, it's party time... What will you have , Fred? This one is on me. Sue
  5. Hawkeye, My heart goes out to you. I am so very sorry to read this . Mary was so blessed to have you . My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family as you go through the days ahead. We will be here for you if and when you need us. God Bless, Sue
  6. Happy Birthday Janet Enjoy and celebrate Big !!! Sue
  7. Nope, I am like Kasey, I won't sleep good away from home no matter what I'm sleeping on. I've always left my pillow at home. Sue
  8. Oh, Fred, you got me laughing out loud again. Thank you Sue
  9. We were having overcast conditions with light rain.. waaaaaa.. Sue
  10. ((((Grace)))), I know how hard today is. I'm nearly at two years and it is still hard. We were so blessed to have had such wonderful husbands. Hugs, Sue
  11. Bucky, My Mom's oncologist advised her to live her life like she didn't have cancer and not think about it until it was time to meet with him. It's still a very hard thing to do. At present we wait for her PET scan results and it's scary, but if she is NED we won't feel guilty. Every case is different, every patient is different and you shouldn't feel any more guilty than those of us who are walking around and have never had cancer. It is what it is. Enjoy your precious life. Hugs, Sue
  12. Lily, I think you are amazing and an inspiration. I can't relate to what you are going through , only what I have observed in family members after major surgery and that still doesn't measure up to all you have been through. Be patient with yourself and listen to those who can relate. In the meantime, I'm sending lots of prayers your way for a speedy recovery. Hugs, Sue
  13. Just want you to know that you and Mary are in my thoughts and prayers. Sue
  14. Loved them, Connie.. now I'm headed to bed smiling..
  15. Oh , Jamie, this is wonderful news. I am so very happy for you. Happy dancing here. Sue
  16. So sorry your Dad isn't doing well. Sending lots of prayers for you both. Sue
  17. Michael, I hope the Alimta gives you great results. Keep us posted. Sue
  18. Adding my prayers for Heather's recovery. Sue
  19. Happy Anniversary Deb & Randy!!! Beautiful couple you were and still are in your heart. That memory will always be yours to cherish and no one can take that away. God Bless you, (((Randy))). Sue
  20. Teri, My first reaction was that if it had happened to me I would be scared. I just can't imagine a friend, even one with very poor judgment, doing that. It sounds like someone has their eye on you. NOt trying to scare you, but I would be unnerved no end... I would be paying attention to anyone who is paying special attention to you. Let us know if you figure this out. In the meantime, keep your eyes open. Sue
  21. Hi Cellar Door, I remember you and I have often thought of you. You deserve a lot of credit for reaching the point you are at now. Thank you for sharing. Your story is really inspiring. Wishing you only the best, always. Sue
  22. Fred, you're funny. Have to admit that I had to think about this one too. Too cute. Sue
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