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Everything posted by shineladysue

  1. That's fun. Thanks, Cyndy. Sue
  2. Some medications... Sulfur-violent nausea, vomiting, Erythromycin-nausea , diarrhea etc., Aspirin-sharp pains in stomach thru to back ... Then there's perfumes and scented detergent, clothes softeners.. with itching, coughing etc. feel like someone threw dust in my throat.. etc etc.. feel like I'm in a doctor's office.. Sue
  3. Welcome Rob, We are glad you found us. Thank you for sharing your good news with us. You will find that we have a lot of very caring and knowledgeable people here. Looking forward to knowing you better. Sue
  4. (((Diana))), You, your husband and your children have my prayers. I am so sorry this is happening to you. I only wish I could do more. God Bless. Sue
  5. Robbi, My heartfelt sympathy to you and yours. Sue
  6. (((Tina))), Those days just seem to keep coming. I'll be thinking of you today. Somehow , I know that you and the girls will make the best of it and make good memories together. It's just so hard, but we are so blessed to have had those memories to comfort us. Hugs, Sue
  7. (((Amanda))), We are here to listen and we understand. Understanding Hugs, Sue
  8. shineladysue


    Beautiful , Teri. There's a lot of comfort in those words. Hugs, Sue
  9. Robbi, You, your Mom and your family have my prayers. Sue
  10. (((Faith))), My heartfelt sympathy to you and your family for the loss of your precious sister. May God be with you through the difficult days ahead. We will be here for you. Hugs, Sue
  11. Jen , At the top of this forum, the first post is a sticky post by Katie B... called. Announcement: General Staging for NSCLC If you click on that, there is a link to a site that explains a lot about the staging. I hope that will help. Sue
  12. Yep, I have the bad habit of starting things out with "You know " or more like "Ya know"... used to drive Mike crazy.. Sue
  13. Wow, Ann, what cool finds. Patti makes me laugh.. Sue
  14. Happy Birthday Ernie!!! Your great attitude is so contagious. Enjoy your flying time. Sue
  15. shineladysue

    Shocking News

    (((JB)))), So sorry to hear about your friends wife. Know that I will keep them in my prayers. Sue
  16. Rich, you have an awesome attitude. You have been a real inspiration to be ever since I came to this board. Thank you. Sue
  17. Wonderful news, Carol. It just doesn't get better than that. I'm so happy for you. Sue
  18. I love to watch Idol and Dancing. I haven't learned how to use my VCR, that was Mike's toy.. Anyhow, I flip channels. On Idol I think David Cook is the best, David Archuletta does well, but seems to only be able to sing one type of song. Michael John is getting my attention. I do think Carly has the best voice of the girls, but Syesha is pretty good. On Dancing , I like Kristi Y. and Jason Taylor best. Thanks for asking , Ann. Sue
  19. I have been to chat a few times, but I become so very frustrated because I can't keep up and also it starts when American Idol and Dancing with Stars come on... . I'll have to try it again. Have to check out Patti's "dark humor". Sue
  20. Bob, More prayers being said for you. Let us know how things turn out. Sue
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