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Everything posted by shineladysue

  1. shineladysue

    My Father

    (((Christine))), I am so very sorry for your loss. My thoughts and my prayers are with you. Hugs, Sue
  2. shineladysue


    Barb, I don't imagine that there are any of us who haven't said something to someone that we wish we could take back , but when that person is gone forever it seems all those thoughts come back to us. As long as they were still alive, I guess we felt we could make up for it somehow or it wasn't such a big deal. We are all human and not infallible. Oh my goodness, I've lost count of the times I have beat myself up and even cried over thoughts that started with " If only" or "I wish I woulda" "maybe I shoulda" or "If I tried harder, I am sure I coulda "... etc. etc. Think we have all just been there done that and are doing that. I feel sure Rod knew how very much you loved him and that is what is important. Hugs, Sue
  3. LOL, it's good to see you laughing this evening, Mitchell. You made me laugh too. Keep that great sense of humor and you will be sailing through to the new you. Sue
  4. (((Mitchell))) Welcome Home!!! I won't make this long, but want you to know that the prayers continue to come your way for a rapid recovery. So sorry that it hasn't been easy so far. Hoping each day finds you feeling stronger and better. Hugs, Sue
  5. (((Randy))), Those "girls" were so blessed to have you in their lives. Hope tomorrow will be a better day. Sue
  6. Such a promising report on Hank. Happy for you both. Will be looking for even better reports to come. Sue
  7. Jenny, Lots of prayers going up for your fil. Hope the treatment plan will put him in that remission you are praying for. Sue
  8. Karen, I am so very sorry you have lost your husband. I just read over your his journey and I am so sorry he had to go through so much . Knowing he is now at peace must be a comfort. My prayers go out for you and the family. Know that we will be here for you. Sue
  9. (((Patti))), I don't have answers, but I have love , compassion and lots of hugs for you. Your son is one of the most blessed kids in the world, he has had and still has you, Patti. Not all kids have such a loving parent. Second of all, please stop blaming yourself for this disease. That's not allowed here because we know it may or may not have been caused by your smoking, but no one DESERVES to have cancer. If you had known, positively, for one minute that you WOULD get cancer, you would have quit. One more note, my mom quit 22 year ago and she still was diagnosed with lung cancer. Patti, You aren't robbing Nick of anything. You didn't choose to have this disease and I am of the belief that all things happen for a reason. Let happen what happens. Give love to Nick and take his love back. Live life to the fullest. If this disease takes you from him, he will grieve, but he will draw great comfort in the part of you he will carry in his heart. I'm so sorry you have the pain of worrying about these things. I'm so sorry you have lung cancer. I pray you will be here for a long time. You are such a giver, dear Patti, and I'm inspired by you every day I come here. I hope someone can post something to help you to find peace in your thoughts. In the meantime, know that you have my prayers, ALWAYS!!! Love, Sue
  10. Lots of prayers coming your way, Mitchell. You are on your way to a new you. Count me as part of Team Mitchell.. Sue
  11. This is wonderful news!!! Thanks for sharing. Sue
  12. I'm so sorry you need to be back here. Know that we care and will be here for you. Hugs, Sue
  13. More prayers going up with your name on them, Mitchell. You are going to be fine. Can hardly wait to hear all the good reports. Hugs, Sue
  14. shineladysue

    3 Years!

    Fantastic news, Jan. I'm so very happy for you . Sending good wishes for you in your new business . Sue
  15. Thank you , Ernie. This post is an inspiration and a keeper. I'm copying it and printing it out for me. Hugs, Sue
  16. shineladysue

    Lost a friend

    (((Ellie))), Your anger is so understood. I understand and I am so very sorry for your loss. My prayers to you and his family. Hugs, Sue
  17. shineladysue

    great news!!!

    WONDERFUL, WONDERFUL NEWS!!! So happy for you, Bucky. Hugs, Sue
  18. Shirley, First of all, I want to wish you a Happy Birthday. I hope that you will have a wonderful day. Second, I do understand how hard it is to celebrate all those "firsts" alone. Seconds aren't much easier. You will be in my thoughts and prayers this weekend. I feel sure that the plans you have to release the baloons will help you through . Know that there are many of us here who care and understand. Hugs, Sue
  19. Happy Birthday Maryanne!!! Love, Sue
  20. Happy Anniversary Kasey & Fred!!! Hope the two of you have a wonderful celebration. Love, Sue
  21. I'm suing... I didn't give permission for them to use my butt shot in that video... Thanks, Ann.. that was cute. Sue
  22. shineladysue

    cindi o'h

    Cindi touched a lot of people with her kindness and her wonderful sense of humor. She kept in touch with me for quite a while and helped me quite a bit to get through a crisis with Mike. She was knowledgeable about many things. Condolences to her family and friends. May you rest in peace, dear Cindi. Sue
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