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Everything posted by shineladysue

  1. (((Erin))), I am so sorry you lost your Dad. I am also sorry he had to be in so much pain before he died. It shouldn't have been like that . I guess there are memories that all of us would like to erase , but only time will make them less painful. There are no words I can say to you today to take away this pain, but you and your family will be in my prayers in the days ahead. Remember that this group is here for you and we understand. Hugs, Sue
  2. (((Liza))), I posted in the other thread, but I want you to know that my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. This is so hard. Feel free to come here and share with us. So many of us understand how it feels to lose someone you love. Hugs, Sue
  3. Bucky, If you have faith in your doctors , listen to them. It sounds like they aren't upset about this. I have a good feeling about the Tarceva with the zometa. Think positive... Hugs, Sue
  4. Now that's the way we like it... Wonderful news. Hugs, Sue
  5. shineladysue

    New to post here

    I just want to welcome you and let you know that you are among friends here. Many of us understand. I was married to my husband nearly 36 years and he passed away a little over two years ago. As you have said, no one really understands until they have been through it. Look forward to getting to know you. Sue
  6. WONDERFUL NEWS!!! Thanks for sharing. I'm so happy for your famiy. Hugs, Sue
  7. Cindy, This is just awesome news!!! You have really made my day. I can hear that sigh of relief from here. Now go and enjoy your life. Such a wonderful inspiration you are. Hugs, Sue
  8. Gracie, Extra prayers are on the way for you and your sister. Hugs, Sue
  9. Liza, I am so very sorry you have lost your father. My thoughts and prayers will be with you in the diffi cult days ahead. Hugs, Sue
  10. Welcome Carol, I'm so glad you decided to join us. I read Ernie's post earlier and just read Kerri's , how wonderful to see you all here together. Ernie is a very special member here. His positive attitude is so very contagious. We all need a reminder of how approaching things in a positive way can help us through each and every day of our lives. Looking forward to getting to know you better. Hugs, Sue
  11. Welcome Kerri, It's good to have you here with us and it's such a pleasure to being able to tell you how much we adore your Dad. He is such an inspiration to so many people , cancer patients and caregivers alike. When I see a Ernie post, it's a must read. Looking forward to getting to know you better. I think you will find this is a wonderful, supportive place to be. Sue
  12. Denise, Tears go with the territory , I think. All of us , caregivers and patients alike have to release a few tears sometimes. It's ok as long as you can put it all back together and continue on with the fight. We do understand, I know I do. Hugs, Sue
  13. Ann, I really think David A will win. I am a fan of both and up until last night I thought it would be David C, but David A sang his little heart out last night. Too bad we can't just have a tie. My heart broke last night when David C was mopping tears from his eyes. I found last night to be very emotional. My heart went out to both of them for different reasons. Something tells me that it will be hard to choke back the tears tonight for sure. I will miss this show. Sue
  14. Oh yes, Teri, I can relate big time. I have no idea who I am yet. I have yet to find my own identity again and I don't know if I ever will. Every thing that comes along, I feel that something is missing or a feeling of just being "lost". When Mike first passed away over two years ago, I had lots of emergency plumbing, car repair etc. to take care of and I was like a child. I ddn't know where to turn or who to call and I was used to Mike taking care of those things for me. I can't tell you how many times I have had to tell myself "Sue , it's not going to get done until YOU do it". I still haven't gotten used to that nor have I gotten used to not having anyone to be my sounding board for every thing that affects me, my family or my home. I am so lost and desperately trying to find me. As for friends, I find myself forgotten by most. My family treats me well and we are close, but Mike's family forgot I'm alive. I'm like a child who has clung to her Teddy Bear or blanket for security and then someone takes it away. I'm so lost and so scared... Thank you for asking , Teri. Sorry , for getting carried away. As Ginny says "this widowhood is a sisterhood we share, a group I wish I had not joined". But, Ginny goes on to say... "The only good news is that I had the best for a while and not all can say that. And I know that you share that with me too." I share in those thoughts , as well. Hugs, Sue
  15. Here in se Virginia, we have had very bazaar weather. It seems we have had several bouts of severe storms. We've had lots of rain, wind, tornadoes, hail and temps on average in the 70's. I lost a huge American Elm tree last week (to the tune of $2595 for removal). Fortunately , the only damage it did was to crush my chain link fence. We had more storms today with hail up to quarter size, winds etc. This severe stuff is really getting scary. Sue
  16. Tarek, It's good to hear that your Dad is getting medical attention and scans . Hope they will find a way to help you care for him at home. It's good that you are going tomorrow for scans and to the oncologist. The doctors should help you get help for him. Let us know what tomorrow brings and May God be with you. Sue
  17. Karen, Glad you found us and welcome to our group. Sounds as though you are doing very well. We will look forward to you sharing your story and to being a part of our supportive family. Sue
  18. Jeannie, I hesitate to advise anyone on what to do because I really don't know that answers, but if it was me I would contact the doctor immediately. I've never heard of those reactions and they sound like very negative side effects that may require an injection or something to reverse them. This doesn't sound like anything I have ever heard of before and it sounds potentially serious. Let us know how he is. Sue
  19. (((Gracie))), Hang in there until you know all the facts. Will be keeping you , your sister and your family in my thoughts and prayers. Hugs, Sue
  20. Gracie, You can count on my prayers for your sister. Keep us informed. Hugs, Sue
  21. Maryanne, Thank you for sharing what sounds like a wonderful tribute to a beautiful person. Sue
  22. Adding my prayers for great scan results. Sue
  23. Tarek, My heart goes out to you. It sounds like you do need help with your Dad. I would call the doctor and as Gail has suggested, perhaps there is a service there to come and help you with your Dad. Know that you have my prayers and I do understand how hard this is. Sue
  24. shineladysue

    Scary news

    Rochelle, I'm sorry to hear that you are going through this, but I want you to know that you can add my prayers to the rest. Please keep us updated. Hugs, Sue
  25. I have no experience with this , but many here have had brain mets. As you learn more or have specific questions, I hope they can help you. In the meantime, I want you to know that I will be praying for your husband and for you. Sue
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