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Everything posted by shineladysue

  1. shineladysue

    It's strange

    May I join all of you in a group hug. It just sucks , Teri. It just sucks. Everything I do, I am reminded he is not here to share it with me. It's a little over 2 years for me and I am thankful for having all of you to reassure me that it's not just me . Hugs to all of you, Sue
  2. Wishing you the best , Bucky. You are truly an inspiration. So glad you are getting help.. hope you will be feeling stonger real soon. Hugs, Sue
  3. Barb, My mom was given Tarceva as adjuvant therapy after her wedge section. The reason for choosing Tarceva had to do with her age (78 ), her health and the fact that it is known to be the mildest treatment they could give her. It may be that some of those reasons entered into the decision for your friends mom. Sue
  4. shineladysue

    Raney Fleck

    My heartfelt sympathy goes out to you and your family. Raney was such a courageous fighter. She will be remembered fondly by this group. Sue
  5. Oh Tiny, I am so very happy for you. This is just wonderful news. Hope you have a wonderful time in Greece. Hugs, Sue
  6. shineladysue

    My uncle..

    Ohh Christy, this is such sad ,tragic news. I am so very sorry for the pain and heartache this has caused your family, but I can only imagine your uncle must have been suffering too, mentally and physically, to have done such an awful thing. May God be with you and your family during this painful and difficult time . Hugs, Sue
  7. Ann, Not because they have been cared for, but just because they are there... I have two camellia bushes that just bloomed so full of blooms that they look like giant bouquets. I also have a Forsythia bush or what is left of one that is still full of color. That's about it. The small patch of daffodils has shriveled. Sue
  8. Chris, The news does sound hopeful. Please keep us informed and know that I'm keeping your husband and your family in my prayers. Hugs, Sue
  9. shineladysue

    Letting Go

    Carrie, I am so very sorry you have lost your precious Mom. My thoughts and prayers will be with your family. Sue
  10. Patti, I don't have answers, just prayers. Hope you get help soon. Will be looking for your posts. Hugs, Sue
  11. shineladysue

    Mustang P51

    Wonderful pictures , Ernie. Hope you had a great time. Sue
  12. (((Faith))), I'm so very sorry you are feeling so upset over how your sister died. I guess all of us could look back and say "if only , I coulda, shoulda, woulda", but Faith don't blame yourself. Your point is a good one and perhaps something we should all be aware of , but don't blame yourself for what happened to your sister. All the pain and anger you are feeling is so natural at this point, but sometimes it's just best to let some things go. It wouldn't bring her back. I know you have to do what you feel is right for you, but I just want to let you know that many of us go through the blame game at some point or another. If it will help you , then question the decisions made by the medical profession, but it's so hard to prove wrong doing or cause... I do understand and my heart goes out to you. God Bless you. Hugs, Sue
  13. shineladysue


    Sooo happy for you. Such wonderful news. Sue
  14. shineladysue

    Italy pictures

    Thank you, Joe. The pictures are absolutely wonderful. The cyber trip through Italy was fantastic, but the best part of the trip was your smiling faces. God Bless. Sue
  15. Woo Hoo, Dave!!! Time for a celebration. This is the kind of news we love to celebrate for days and days... You have earned it. Thanks for sharing this anniversary with us. Sue
  16. shineladysue


    (((Diana))), I am so very sorry for your loss. Know that we will be here if you need us. May God be with you, your children and your family in the days ahead. Sue
  17. Sophie, I am so very sorry to read this today. My thoughts and prayers will be with you as you go through the days ahead. Know that we will be here for you. Sue
  18. (((Laurie))), I am so sorry for your loss. May God be with you and your family in the difficult days ahead. Sue
  19. (((Leslie))), Bless your heart. I'm so sorry for all you are going through. Lots of hugs coming your way. Sue
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