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Everything posted by shineladysue

  1. I have no idea. Most of them are in a box in my attic. I really don't like to cook. Sue
  2. She is so precious. What a wonderful moment to capture. Sue
  3. shineladysue

    Great News

    That's great news.. Count me in on the celebration... Sue
  4. My husband lost his at nearly 2 weeks into Carbo/Taxol. He was stressed over the idea of losing his hair and, to is surprise, he ended up loving his head bald. You might want to make sure if he doesn't have a ball cap on hand, that you buy him a couple. It will help him when he is trying to adjust. My husband wore his a couple times when he went out until he became comfortable with his baldness. Sue
  5. Thank you , Donna. Wishing you and yours a Happy Easter too. It's good to hear from you. Hope you are doing well. Hugs, Sue
  6. Kelly, Your thoughts are beautiful and inspirational. Thank you for sharing them. Hope you and yours have a beautiful Easter. Love, Sue
  7. shineladysue

    She's gone..

    I am so very sorry you have lost your precious mom. You and your family have my heartfelt sympathy. May God be with you to help you through the difficult days ahead. Sue
  8. Welcome home , Bucky. Hope you enjoyed your trip. Happy Easter to you and Yours. Hugs, Sue
  9. shineladysue


    Wonderful news, Joe!!! Enjoy your vacation and I will be looking forward to seeing the pictures of Italy. God Bless, Sue
  10. Sandra, the report sounds great. Hope the clinic trial does the job also. Sue
  11. Ken, I'm excited for you. Awesome news. Sue
  12. Oh my, this is so out of character for me,I actually got it right. Sue
  13. I'm not sure, it's been a while since I got anything done. Sue
  14. Yes!!!! Love "Dancing". Thanks for the reminder, Ann. Gives me something to look forward to. I love American Idol too. Sue
  15. Mike, I am so sorry. You have my heartfelt sympathy. My thoughts and prayers will be with you and your family in the days ahead. Sue
  16. (((Tina))), Never feel you have to apologize for posting your feelings. You are among friends who understand and who care. I will never forget this time 2 years ago, Tina. You and I were going through a lot of the same . I lost Mike March 2nd and you Charlie on April 16th. You have had even more heartache and loss since then. God Bless you and know that my prayers are with you and the girls. Love, Sue
  17. I did the Macarena with my sister because the voices told me to.
  18. Hi Marie, Good to see you. You had us worried.. well you know that by now.. lol I just wanted to wish you well and let you know that you have my prayers for good scans on Tuesday. Hugs, Sue
  19. My husband is one who had severe sob with Alimta. His ended up being pneumonitis ( inflamation of the lung which can be detected on CT Scan), like the kind people get with radiation. It is so hard to say what is causing sob when someone has lung cancer , but yes Alimta can be a cause. I can only tell you that if you have rapid progression in the sob to contact your doctor. My husband did have to be put on oxygen and given high doses of prednisone. I say this not to scare you , but to make you aware. You have my thoughts and prayers. Sue
  20. Count me in and we can drink to my mom's recent NED too!!! Woo Hoo!!! Those Bloody Mary's look mighty good. This is a weekend party , right Kasey & Fred? Sue
  21. shineladysue


    Can't decide who is funnier , Fred or Kasey.. LOL Sue
  22. (((Shirley))), I understand. It's good that you came here and posted. Sometimes, it helps just to share your feelings with others who understand. No one can make the pain go away , but there are too many of us here who can relate. Four months is still rather early in the grieving process. Be patient with yourself, allow yourself to grieve . Know that we care. Hugs, Sue
  23. Count me in on that celebration, as well. I am so happy for you. Hope you brought a designated driver with you. The next glass of wine is on me.. Keep the good news coming. Sue
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