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Everything posted by shineladysue

  1. Thanks, Ann. That's awesome. Sue
  2. Gracie, I have read over this post several times. I know how you are feeling and I wish I could answer you. I hope there are medical people, whom you can trust, to answer some of your questions. Every cancer case is so different and it's hard for anyone to really answer your question. I can just tell you that I have been at this site and reading for nearly 4 years and I've seen many people in the condition your sister, sounds like she is in, turn around and pull out of it. I just want you to know that I will be keeping her, you and your family in my prayers. Please keep us updated. Hugs, Sue
  3. I'm so happy for your mom and for your family. This is the kind of news we love to read. Enjoy your summer. Hugs, Sue
  4. Ohhh , Nick, How precious she is and yes, she does look like your beautiful mom. I just know your mom is smiling down on your beautiful family and her new grandaughter. Hugs, Sue
  5. Ann, So glad to hear that the situation is getting much better there. I can't even begin to imagine how scary that must have been for you. Hugs, Sue
  6. Oh, Christine, I am so sorry you and your family are faced with this . Know that I will be praying for your step father and the family. Hope the results are benign. Sue
  7. (((Dana))), it's so hard... Hang in there. Know you are among folks who understand. Sue
  8. I'm so very sorry to hear this. Of course, I will say a prayer for Jennifer, her family and her friends. My sincere condolences to all. Sue
  9. (((Dina))), I am so very sorry for your loss. You and your family will be in my prayers during the difficult, painful days ahead. God Bless, Sue
  10. Lots of prayers going out for your co-workers mil. So sorry for all his loss and heartache. tell him he would be most welcome here. Sue
  11. Linda, Your mother-in-law has my prayers. Age shouldn't enter into it. If she is strong enough to go through treatment , she should be given that option. Hope you get answers and a treatment plan soon. Hugs, Sue
  12. Thank You for sharing this , Jamie. Heather truly gave so much of herself to help others. That is how I will always remember her. Sue
  13. Was reading your latest post and the news sounds fantastic, NED is a beautiful word. The follow up sounds good. I think the problem where Mike was concerned was they were doing chest xrays rather than CT scans and the chest xray saw nothing.. Sounds like you are on the right track to me... You can relax now. God Bless. Sue
  14. I wish I could offer you some answers, but I have no experience with mets to the brain. I can , however, pray and I want you to know that you, your Mom and your family have my prayers. Keep in touch and let us know how she is doing. Hugs, Sue
  15. Randy, Good to see you posted. I saw Greensboro on the news and I thought about you. Have been looking to see if you posted... The Suffolk Virginia tornadoes, a week or so ago, were about 15 miles from me. Scary stuff... Sue
  16. How about Pokey Puppy, will that work. That's me. Sue
  17. I'm so very sorry for your loss. My heartfelt sympathy to you and your family. May God be with you in the days to come. Hugs, Sue
  18. shineladysue

    Great News!

    Woo Hoo!!! Wonderful news. Sue
  19. You can count on my prayers, Ernie. Sue
  20. (((Peggy))), Thank you for sharing this wonderful video and the obituary from your hometown paper. It is such a loving tribute to your sister. She would have loved it, I am sure. May God be with you and your family. I am sure the memorial service will be beautiful. God Bless, Sue
  21. I think I see what you are saying. You are a bit concerned as to why the doctor thinks Gary needs the scan and my husband's doctor didn't . I think it is a matter of who is getting the best follow up care... Gary is, in my opinion. For one thing, Mike didn't have an oncologist because he opted not to have chemo after surgery. Back in 2001 chemo following surgery was considered experimental and was a clinic trial. Mike opted out. His follow up was handled by his surgeon . In my opinion, as Patti has said, I think Gary's doctor is just being very cautious and there is a lot of comfort in that. Sorry if I have been overly opinionated on this subject, but it's good to hear all sides . I didn't know anything about this board or others back in the day of his surgery, didn't even have a computer.. imagine that.. Take care and God Bless, Sue
  22. My husband was ned for 3 years, or so we thought. He started with stage 1B and had a pneumonectomy. First year had scans and then to xrays. At 3 years he was diagnosed at stage IV because it had not been detected. I only wish someone had told us to ask for more scans. We were ignorant. Everyone just wants to make sure you benefit from our good and bad experiences. I would most definitely opt for scans , as many as they would do. Sue
  23. Oh Nick, she is just adorable!!! I want to hold her Sue
  24. Rich, This is so awesome. You are such a positive person and you sure give many folks reason to hope. God Bless you , Rich. Onward to many many many many many many ... more Hugs, Sue
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