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Everything posted by shineladysue

  1. Denise, I haven't replied to this because I didn't know what to say, but my heart goes out to all involved. Above all, get the help that little girl needs. You have so much on your plate. Sending up prayers. Love, Sue
  2. (((Maryanne & Joel)))), I empathize and I sympathize. It hurts and it will most likely hurt a long time. Our pets love us so unconditionally. I don't know how to answer your questions because I grieved a lot over the loss of my pets, but I can't compare it to that of humans, certainly not to the loss of my husand. It was just hard and I still miss my Golden Retriever , Ginger , even after 10 years. Many hugs to the two of you on this very very painful and difficult day. Love & understanding, Sue
  3. (((Carole))), Bless your heart, I do understand. I still have my Dad, but I understand those important dates without those you loved. I'm sure there are too many here who are sharing some very similar feelings without their Dad's today. My thoughts and prayers go out to all of you. Love, Sue
  4. (((Dar))), I haven't had any experience with the pain meds or hospice , but from reading what others have said it is the job of Hospice to make sure that your mom is comfortable. Have you contacted them and told them about the pain she is having? I hope they can help her and be able to answer your questions. My heart goes out to you and your family. Know that you have my prayers. Hugs, Sue
  5. Add me to the list of those who noticed. Debi, you look fantastic. What's your secret? Sue
  6. (((Jill))), What a nice way to remember your Mom. My thoughts are with you. Hugs, Sue
  7. shineladysue

    My Mom

    Tina, This is great news. It's time for a lot of good news for you and your family. Hugs, Sue
  8. This is fantastic news!!! I"m just to very happy for you. Hugs, Sue
  9. shineladysue

    Scan Results

    WONDERFUL NEWS!!! I'm so happy for you. Sue
  10. WONDERFUL NEWS!!! Hugs, Sue
  11. shineladysue

    Scan time

    WOO HOO!!!! WONDERFUL NEWS, Jamie. Enjoy your summer. Hugs, Sue
  12. shineladysue

    My Dad

    Oh ((((Tammy)))), I am so very sorry. Your Dad fought this battle with such courage. This news just breaks my heart. Please give my condolences to the famly and know that you and yours will be in my thoughts and prayers in the days ahead. Love, Sue
  13. Teri , I would have to say that Mike taught me about acceptance. He so gracefully and without question accepted and dealt with everything that happened to him. He had strong faith that if he did his best that God would take care of the rest. He never complained and he made the best of each day. If only I could follow his example. Thank you for writing this post because it really helps to be able to share my feelings and also a part of what was the best part of me... my wonderful husband. Sue
  14. shineladysue


    Andrea, Sent you a friends request. I'm the Sue Shine that is the bear in a pink robe sitting at the computer.. lol I'm not too savvy on the seaching thingy , but hope to find you guys. I see Tina's Breath of Life Support Foundation is also a cause on Facebook. Hope to see many of you there. Sue
  15. shineladysue


    I'm under Sue Shine. Would love to have all of you on my friends list. Andrea, I didn't know Lungevity was listed as a cause, I will most definitely put it as a link to my page. Hope to find all of you there. It's a great place to just kick back and have a little fun . We can all use that. Right? Sue
  16. shineladysue


    Hi Nova, You have been in my thoughts and prayers. Remember you aren't alone , you have us . Many of us unfortunately, understand how you are feeling today. Take it one day at a time and if you think of things you would like to write here, do it. You can write to me , anytime. God Bless, Sue
  17. shineladysue

    Scan News

    WONDERFUL NEWS!!! Hugs, Sue
  18. Ellie, Speaking only from personal experience of having to deal with my anniversary alone, I would suggest a phone call or note to let him know that you are thinking of him on this day . Let him know that you won't forget this day either. Assuming you were present when they married, you might tell him you won't forget this day because blah blah blah.. it was special examp. What would have been my 38th anniversary just passed on the 6th of the month and I appreciated family and friends letting me know that they remembered. Hugs, Sue
  19. Renate, I'm a bit out of touch with current treatments, but I do remember the doctor prescribing B vitamins for Mike. The Taxol caused him neuropathy , but never to the extent that you have it.. My heart goes out to you . His was mainly his finger tips and he was a bit unsteady on his feet. He always thought the vitamins helped. I think it was B-12 he took , but can't be sure. I'm sure there are others here that might know or you may be already taking them yourself. I hope something helps you, soon. Sue
  20. shineladysue


    ((((Nova)))), I am just so very sorry. My heartfelt sympathy to you and your family. Remember we are here if you need us. Love, Sue
  21. (((Tracy))), Take a big breath. I can feel your anxiety. This is fantastic news and I agree that it sounds like you are getting the real stuff... better than that.. It sounds like the real stuff is working for you. I hope you feel well. Know that you and yours are in my thoughts and prayers , always. Go enjoy that beautiful family of yours. Love, Sue
  22. Dar, I just want you to know that I will be keeping your mom in my prayers and looking for, what I pray will be, a more promising update next week. Hugs, Sue
  23. Nick, a part of your mom will always live on in you. Such a lovely walk through your garden with you and your mom. God Bless you. Hugs, Sue
  24. shineladysue

    Why Me???

    (((Tina))), I've had quite a bit happen since I lost Mike also and I can relate a bit. I do hope and pray that there are more good than bad things to add to this list in the future. God Bless. Love, Sue
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