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Everything posted by shineladysue

  1. Bonnie, I am so very sorry for your loss. My heartfelt condolences to you and your family. We will be here for you if you need us. Hugs, Sue
  2. Andrea, Just want you to know that you have my prayers for your mom's scan. Good luck to you on the weight loss...I need to find a good diet, but 500cal is not enough especially when you need the energy to keep up with the twins.. Will be looking for results. Hugs, Sue
  3. Hey Chris, Good to see you here. Sorry for all you are going through. I just don't understand some people . Hope it all gets resolved soon. Hugs, Sue
  4. Oh my, I'm late, but better late than never and maybe the party is still going. Great news, Sandra. Keep it coming .. Hugs, Sue
  5. Beautiful pic , Randy. Sorry to hear about all your Dad is going through, but will say a prayer that he will be doing much better real soon. Sue
  6. Lynn, I am so very sorry for your loss. You and your family have my heartfelt sympathy and I will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers as you go through the days ahead. Hugs, Sue
  7. So sad. I will never forget that lecture. What a gift he left behind. Sue
  8. (((Randy))), I understand. Sometimes, I continue to listen and ball my eyes out and other times, I have to turn the music off because I just don't want to be sad that day. You just have to let it out sometimes... Randy , don't drive and play country music. you won't be able to see where you are going.. I"m sure there is a warm blanket from the dryer for you today. Hugs, Sue
  9. Bruce, Thank you for an absolutely beautiful post and you have my heartfelt CONGRATULATIONS!!! You have certainly brought a message of hope which will be appreciated by many. Please keep in touch and enjoy the gift of life. God Bless, Sue
  10. Shelli, I'm so very sorry . My condolences to your family. Hugs, Sue
  11. It's so hard to do all those things without our loved ones. Things just will never be as they were. I guess this is part of the healing process as we go through life reflecting on how things were when they were with us. We have to learn to enjoy those things in a new way , but I think it's good for us to remember too.. It takes time. Many hugs to you today, I understand. Hugs, Sue
  12. (((Debbie))), You have so many here who understand what you are saying, you can count me as one. Among the spouses there is a sister and brotherhood here, but overall, there are many who understand what you are saying . Wish I could deliver this hug in person. Just know we understand, we care and we are here for you. Love, Sue
  13. Heidi, Of course, I remember you. So sorry the doctor said that to your mom. Sometimes, I just want to smack these doctors upside the head... sorry, but that's how I feel. They just think out loud and display no human compassion. I find it worse than that, they aren't even informed as to what's going on in the real world. They go by statistics.. Hang in there, I guess we all know about Scanxiety . Just want you to know that you have my prayers . Will be waiting for you to post the results. Hugs, Sue
  14. Awesome News!!! I'm so very happy for you , Tracy. Hope you and your family have a wonderful vacation. Hugs, Sue
  15. (((Lillee)))), Sorry your Dad has been in such pain. Hope he will soon feel better and the radiation will be a help. God Bless, Sue
  16. Wonderful pics, Patti. Your mom is so young looking, now we know where you get your good looks from. That son of yours is a real looker too. Thanks for sharing. Hugs, Sue
  17. Linda, I'm so very sorry for your loss. My condolences to you and your family. Hugs, Sue
  18. Yep, Nick, a part of your mom sure lives on in that baby. She is gorgeous. Sue
  19. Rich, It's good to see you home again. Like you say , I hope this time put an end to those hospital visits and you won't be having to do that again for a very long time. God Bless, Sue
  20. Denise, I can really understand how confusing it gets. One point I do want to bring out is that once radiation treatments stop, they don't stop working. They continue working long after they are given. What I'm trying to say is that Tom is not without any kind of treatment. He is still being treated. Glad you got it explained to this point and there's nothing wrong with making them sit still til they answer all your questions. We usually went in with a list.. It's easier to ask when you are there than when you are away. Keeping my eye on you and Tom and Jayla etc.. Hugs, Sue
  21. Oh my, how did I miss this. Great news, Marie!!! I'm so happy for you. Think we can carry this celebration on a little longer. Next round is on me.. Hugs, Sue
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