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Everything posted by shineladysue

  1. Muriel, First of all, i want to say that you did a great job. Second of all, I want to apologize for my abrupt exit. I have only gotten to chat a few times in the past and I'm not good at keeping up. I'm sorry I missed Randy, since I rarely made it to his chat sessions.. think he was coming when I was leaving. I did enjoy being there and watching you guys interact among yourselves. Patti, hope your head isn't too big tomorrow after all the Zinf, but at least we know there is plenty of room in that "EMPTY" head of yours.. Will try to get by more often, gang. Hugs, Sue
  2. (((Sheri))), Yes, the meltdowns... they happen to all of us at some point in time , I think. It's like sometimes we just feel we can't cope another minute , but somehow we find the strength to pick ourselves up and go again....until the next meltdown that is. It's really rough when the person we are closest to is no longer there. Sometimes, we just don't realize how dependent we are to others until we no longer have them. Keep in touch and know that we do understand and we care. Hugs, Sue
  3. WONDERFUL NEWS!!! Drinks are on me, if Kasey, Fred and Teddy will open the Pub. Several bottles of Zin.. over here for my friend Patti... We are going to party tonight... woo hoo Hugs, Sue
  4. (((Sheri))), Grief and loss are painful to all of us who have to experience it. Whether it be a friend, parents, siblings , spouse, etc. it makes no difference to me. Loss is loss and one person's pain or situation can't be compared to another's . I do think , however , that people in similar situations tend to identify with people in the same .. I know I do. It doesn't mean that I lack compassion or caring for others who are grieving in their way due to their own losses and set of circumstances. I just want to say, I guess I am one of the widows who often responds to other widows posts. It's because I can identify with them. It's not because I think my loss as a widow is any greater than anyone else's . I can't speak for anyone else, but when I post , I don't always read all the responses from others, but I am posting to the person who originally wrote the thread. Lastly, I would like to say that if anything I might have said or not said was taken that I thought my grief was greater because it is a widow's grief please forgive me because I don't feel that way at all. Lastly, but most importantly, I would like to send you a big hug. I'm so very sorry you are going through so much pain of your own. Losing people we love and who are important in our lives just plain sucks. Hugs, Sue
  5. Dana, just want you to know that I am remembering your beautiful mom today. Hope the good memories outweigh the sad for you and yours. Hugs, Sue
  6. (((Randy))), Me too, Randy. Been having a rough couple weeks. Don't know why exactly. Just can't watch that video now. Sue
  7. I missed this before. This is good news, indeed. Thanks for telling us , Denise and please let Diane know that she and her Dad will be in my thoughts and prayers. Sue
  8. (((Leslie))), I know it wasn't easy , but I"m sure it was very therapeutic. Sue
  9. (((Nick))), So ironic that you have to grieve the loss of the person who helped you learn how to cope with your grief. My sincere condolences to you, his family, his patients and his friends. Sue
  10. Yep, Teri, I'm stuck... after nearly 2 1/2 years... I think I'm a hopeless case. Wish I could share encouragement, but in my opinion it gets harder. Don't know if it helps or hurts for misery to have company, but I totally understand everything you are saying. Hugs, Sue
  11. (((Ree))), I just want you to know that I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. Sue
  12. Great pics, Shelli. Thanks for sharing. Sue
  13. Did you write that, Denise? If not , do you know who did? That's really good. Sue
  14. From what I have watched of it, I have enjoyed swimming and gymnastics the most. Sue
  15. (((Janette))), I"m so very sorry for your loss. My heartfelt sympathy and condolences to you and your family. Know that we will be here for you as you go through the difficult days ahead. Hugs, Sue
  16. (((Ann))), it's so good to see you back... Not often enough. Sue
  17. shineladysue

    4 years

    (((Ginny))) I remember when you lost your beloved Earl. I hadn't been here long and I was so touched by the love you had for him and I really hurt for you. How can that have been 4 years ago? God Bless you Ginny. Glad you are doing well. The Duke will always live in your heart. Love, Sue
  18. Coni, This all sounds good. It's always a comfort to have a plan . Hugs, Sue
  19. Gail, I've been thinking about you and I'm so glad you dropped in for an update. I'm glad you are finding support and that your friend will soon be there. You take the time you need away, but please do stop in and let us know how you are doing . You will always be a part of this family. Hugs, Sue
  20. Sorry to hear this , Denise. I will continue to keep he and his family in my prayers. Sue
  21. Coni, I would just like to add my support too. As has already been said, it sounds like his doctors are on top of it. I will be keeping your husband and you in my prayers. In the meantime, lean on everyone here as much as you need to. Hugs, Sue
  22. Grouchy customers (in long lines)
  23. shineladysue

    No Clue

    Coni, Glad hubby is doing better. Chemo is accumulative and it unfortunately can't kick cancer butt without kicking the rest of ya too. My hubby had periods of time where he took frequent naps too and then he would rally til the next chemo. Of course, my opinion can't compare to the cancer patients who have experienced the effects for themselves. Hope he continues to feel better and better. Sue PS: Yes, Coni, this site with all of it's wonderful caring people are a godsend.
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