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Everything posted by shineladysue

  1. I'm exhausted and have only a short time to sleep, but we desperately need your prayers for our mom. She had her surgery on Thursday . She has developed pneumonia in two lobes of her right lung and only has 1 1/2 lungs left and COPD. She is on ventilator, will be getting a bronchoscopy in the am and is being put on antibiotics. We have a long story to tell, but for now.. we just need all the thoughts prayers and healing vibes you have.. Love, Sue & family
  2. (((Patti))), I"m just so sorry that you are going through all of this. My prayers will be with you.. Hope the treatments stop the pain.. I have so much more I want to say, but not now. Most important thing is that they get "our " Patti feeling much better ASAP. Love and Prayers, Sue
  3. This is a very quick and brief update for now because I am one tired puppy, but MOM DID FANTASTIC!!! The surgeon was so pleased that the size of the nodule was small , like 8 mm ... initial biopsy was inconclusive, but it was in the region of the others. He made a wider margin and cleaned up the whole area resulting in half of her upper right lobe gone. Results of biopsies will be in about 3 days. In the meantime she is in ICU tonight, but taken off vent, breathing well on her own , drinking fluids and eating jello... she's really doing well. Will report more as I have more.. For now... I need some sleep.. Thanks all. Love, Sue
  4. Thank you for all you love, prayers and support. Today is the day. In about 2 1/2 hrs Mom will go in for her wedge section. Ironically, today is Mike's birthday. I like to believe he is watching over her today. Love to all. Will check in later. Love, SUe
  5. Carole has been in my thoughts and prayers too. Looking forward to her update. Sue
  6. Chris, Just sent you mine. Please feel free to edit it or ask me to rewrite any part of it. I'm not totally sure what you wanted or the length of it. I just want to thank your for all you do to help families and to increase awareness of lung cancer. You Rock!!! Hugs, Sue
  7. (((Coni))), Like Ry said, do try to get him to drink even if he can't eat. I'm just so sorry he isn't doing well at this point. There are lots of options to choose from and what works for some doesn't work for others. Just know that my thoughts and prayers are with the two of you and your family as you make the next choices. Hugs, Sue
  8. (((Leslie))), The smell of perfume got my attention. I distinctly remember after my grandmother died that I would smell her perfume. I believe she was here. No one in my house wears perfume, including me. Out of the blue, I would smell it near me or I would walk across the living room and smell it. It would disappear as quickly as it came. No one will convince me otherwise. I do believe your mom is still with you and looking over you. It is very hard going through all the firsts the year after. Be patient with yourself. It just takes time. Holiday time has always been the hardest for me. Hugs, Sue
  9. My mom will be going into surgery on Thursday, Oct. 30th to have another wedge removed from her right lung. She had two removed last year and now a new spot has shown up on PET scan. She was on vent for 4 days the last time. If you have any spare prayers, my family would very much appreciate them. We are very optimistic about the outcome, but it's always scary. Knowing folks are sending good wishes and prayers is certainly a comfort. Thank you for always being here for me. Love, Sue
  10. I just want you to know that you and your husband will be in my thoughts and prayers. Keep up updated. Hope things are much better soon. Hugs, Sue
  11. (((Sandra))), My thoughts and prayers are with you. You aren't alone. So many of us care. Please share with us. I just wish I could wave a magic wand and , well you know... Hope it's not as bad as you think and that there will be a tolerable treatment plan in place soon. Hugs, Sue
  12. (((Lillee))), I am so very sorry. Know that we will be here for you.. ALWAYS.. Hugs, Sue
  13. Glad you can now join us again. Welcome back. Sounds like your mom is doing pretty good. Will keep you and her in my thoughts and prayers. Sue
  14. Lillee, I am so very sorry you have lost your Dad. My heartfelt condolences go out to you and your family. We will be here for you if and when you need us in the coming days ahead. God Bless, Sue
  15. (((Connie))), I don't know how I missed this before , but I'm here now with hugs. You an entitled to a bit of crankiness, yes you are. I am so very sorry to learn about your aunt's diagnosis. Enough is enough and it's just plain not fair. Connie, you are truly one of the most inspirational people I've ever met. You've suffered so many losses and fought your own battles with cancer and other health issues and you still have time to help others. I will be anxiously waiting for your scan results and I hope you can report something to celebrate. Know that you are in my thoughts and prayers always. Hugs, Sue
  16. shineladysue

    So FAST!

    Your story really touched me. I am so very sorry for your loss. Know that we will be here for you . May God be with you and yours through these very difficult days. Sue
  17. Coni, I agree with others in that I think trying to get your husband in to the doctor sooner might be a good idea. Getting his bloodwork done may just give you some answers. He may very well need a shot to help him along. Let us know how he is doing. Hugs, Sue
  18. I am so sorry you are so worried about your Dad, but I agree with everyone else.... push him to demand an xray. It may not be anything, but it sure would be good to know that. Hope he gets the xray or improves very soon. Sue
  19. Sandra, You make me feel itchy and miserable just to read about it. As others have said, the break is usually what the doctors reccomend. Sometimes, a break and then starting back at a lower dose will work. Sounds like you are experiencing a bit too much of a good thing. Definitely don't mess around if it affects your eyes. Sure hope it won't be long before you can get that rash under control. Hugs, Sue
  20. Denise, I'm so sorry that things still aren't ok with Viv. Know that she will be in my prayers. Hugs, Sue
  21. 5'4" and I'm not too fat, just too short... Oh heck I'm just too fat no matter how you cut it.
  22. Nope!! Big vehicles intimidate me. The person below me loves to sing.
  23. Rhoda, you have my heartfelt condolences for the loss of your friend. I'm just so very sorry. Sue
  24. shineladysue


    Amy, I am so very sorry. My thoughts and prayers will be wth you and your family in the difficult days ahead. Hugs, Sue
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