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Everything posted by shineladysue

  1. an ironing board we hadn't been married that long, but he learned to never do that again. Sue
  2. shineladysue

    Thank you

    Shrimp, Thank you for sharing your feelings and how you are working through them . By doing that I'm sure you are helping many others who may feel the same way. I'm glad you have your family and it's great that you can reach out to one another , but always know that you have a family here too. You are always welcome and I'm sure your posts have helped others, in more ways than you may realize. Hugs, Sue
  3. Oh Anne, These are just awesome pics. Thank you so very much for sharing them with us. Sue
  4. shineladysue


    I'm so sorry to read this . My heartfelt condolences to Jennifer and all of Rob's family. Sue
  5. (((Jean))), Your post really touches my heart and you are certainly in a place where people understand. You are also in a place where people hang on to hope. I lost a husband to lung cancer and now my mom has it. She is stage IIIB . Hers is operable for the second time and she will have surgery the end of this month. Remember every person is different , as is every case of lung cancer. There are no two cases alike because there are no two humans with the same genetic makeup or where cancer has grown in exactly the same place, size etc. i will keep you and your husband in my prayers as he goes through his treatment . Just remember that whether this treatment is or isn't the silver bullet, there is ongoing research and new treatments coming out all the time. What may be considered not curable today may very well be in the very near future. God Bless, Sue
  6. Glad to hear that Tom is better. Sure hope he continues to improve. Hugs, Sue
  7. shineladysue

    New Grandson!

    (((Teri))). I don't think Bill has missed a thing. Congratulations, grandma!!! Hugs, Sue
  8. My heart is breaking for you. This is so hard. My thoughts and prayers are with you, your Dad and your family. Hugs, Sue
  9. Beth, I'm so very happy for you. I am sure this is exactly what Bill would want for you. Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful news... Congratulations!!! Hugs, Sue
  10. Beautiful song, but can't stop crying. Thanks, Midge. Hugs, Sue
  11. (((Lillee))), My thoughts and prayers are with you and your Dad. Hugs, Sue
  12. Denise, My first thought was pneumonitis . The SOB, the cough and the fact that he had radiation not that long ago made me think of that. That being the case, it would show on CT scan and there is only one med for it... Prednisone in high dose. Sure hope he gets the help he needs soon . Hugs, Sue
  13. (((Patti))), I"m a llittle late , but I'm here to celebrate your anniversary . Patti, you are such an inspiration to me and so many others. Try to stay positive, Patti. You have my prayers for upcoming scans ... Hugs, Sue
  14. Kasey, I have no idea how I missed this post, but I'm here now to help you celebrate that 4 year mark and to join in the toast to many many more. You wrote a lot about how others helped you , but I would like to thank you for all you have done to support and help many of us. You are one of the special ones Ms Kasey.... Love and Prayers are on the way for the upcoming scans. Sue
  15. shineladysue


    Jill, I'm so glad that the meeting went well and that you liked her. I can't even begin to imagine how hard that must have been for you . Your Dad must be so happy to know that his kids like the woman he is dating. Just glad it all worked out well for all. Sue
  16. My Furnace.... It's on it's last legs for sure. Sue
  17. Lots of prayers coming your way. Hugs, Sue
  18. They are sooo pretty. I love Goldens. Sue
  19. (((Nick))), Hope you can spend this day dwelling on the good memories of your mom. Hugs, Sue
  20. (((shrimp))), It's good that you have good things and people to remember, along with the bad. I understand how it is to be reliving all these things in your mind. In fact, I have relived things so many times and each time, I seem to see things a little differently or remember something I had totally forgotten previously. It's all part of the grieving and the healing process. I"m just so glad for you that you can find some positive thoughts because it really does help us to heal. Another good thing is that you have people here who understand completely. Above all , be patient with yourself. It takes time. Hugs, Sue
  21. (((Jill))), I know it must be really hard to be remembering your parents together and then anticipating the meeting with the woman in your Dad's life. I can't possibly relate, but I think your dad is very blessed to have you for a daughter. The fact that you are digging deep in your heart and trying to accept this person in your Dad's life is the greatest gift you can give him now . I can only imagine that your mom would have wanted him to be happy . You will be in my thoughts. Hugs, Sue
  22. Thank you for starting this thread , Randy. After having spent 2 years of Mike's 5 year cancer journey at this site, losing him and now going through my mom's journey, I have gone through all of the emotions you can imagine. I've experienced and thought many of the feelings and thoughts that you talk about. All of the good and the bad is part of this disease, but to this day, I will always hang on to the hope that everyone at this site can post in the Good News column. I pray that every one fighting this disease can fight until the silver bullet comes along . I know I always feel guilty when I express my vulnerablity or my grief, because somehow I feel it pales to the suffering others must be going through or I feel selfish to be so self-indulgent . I also hate to post things that may sadden and bring others down... then again, I have to look at it in another way. For this site to be successful it should be a place where we can support one another through everything this disease throws at us. We have that site and I for one am so very thankful for every part of it and most of all for all the people here who make it what it is. ... Sharing and forever sharing and caring for one another through the good times and the bad. Love you guys... Sue
  23. Just a beautiful baby boy!!! Congratulations to your family. Sue
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