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Everything posted by shineladysue

  1. Happy Birthday Muriel!!! Hugs, Sue
  2. Debi, What a gift your post is to us all. Hope you don't mind, but I have copied it to read for myself often. How easy it is to take for granted all the beauty in the world around us. You truly brought tears to my eyes because you touched my soul with your words. I think this post belongs in our inspiration forum. It has sure inspired me. God Bless you and thank you. Hugs, Sue
  3. I love your smiles. You two are beautiful. Sue
  4. Marie, this is AWESOME NEWS!!! You have been missed around here. So glad to hear that things are well with you.. Hugs, Sue
  5. Thank you, Chris. There is a lot of wisdom and comfort in these words. I've copied it and saved it for myself and to share with others who find coping very hard. Hugs, Sue
  6. Thanks, Donna and Happy Thanksgiving to you too. Been a long time since we heard from you, but I will always remember you and your journey with your brother Mark. May God be with you today and always. Hugs, Sue
  7. (((Debbie))), You have been in my thoughts and prayers. I understand and my heart goes out to you. The holidays and birthdays are so rough . Hope that you can share yours with people who love you. Hugs, Sue
  8. ((( Ann, Randy, Ry, and everyone who is missing someone today))).... me too!!! Ann, the song is beautiful and brought the tears in rivers. They are with us and will always be in our hearts. Hugs , Sue
  9. Thanks, Chris and Happy Thanksgiving to all who are celebrating today. This is the time that we stop to count our blessings and I feel very blessed to have found this forum and to be able to come here and be a part of this family. God Bless you all. Love, Sue
  10. (((Jen))), My heart goes out to you. I am so very sorry for your loss. My deepest sympathies to you and your family. Lots of prayers going up for you all. God Bless, Sue
  11. Nick, I am so very sorry you have lost your grandfather . My condolences to your family . It doesn't matter what age our loved ones are, when they pass, they are missed and the pain and grief are the same. We do understand. God be with you and your family, Sue
  12. (((Chris))), My heart goes out to you. I'm sure everyone on this forum can relate. We all have dates in our head and memories associated with them . It can be so emotionally hard to deal with all the memories , the good and the bad, especially during a time that is supposed to be joyous. I wish I could make the pain stop, but I find I can only offer empathy. I hope you can find a way to make those dates special and to create new cherished memories . Those that we have loved and lost would want us to be happy, I truly believe that. I am answering you, but I think I am giving this pep talk to me too. Thinking of you and yours. Love, Sue
  13. shineladysue

    Scan Result

    CONGRATULATIONS BRUCE!!! This is wonderful news and we need to hear all the good news we can . I've always loved this forum, with it's happy dances and all. It's these kind of results that "hope" is made of.... You go Bruce ... meet you at the Pub. Hugs, Sue
  14. A belated Happy Birthday to Patti B!!! Love, Sue
  15. See "Good News" forum for the latest update on Mom... She's home!!!!
  16. Mom is FINALLY home for the hospital!!! After three weeks , she is finally in her own home and doing very well. We are so thankful that she is NED at this time and the doctor has done a total cleanup of the area where Mom had two wedge sections last year. To bring everyone up to date, the biopsy showed that the nodule this time was benign and so was all the tissue the doctor sent to pathology . He removed the upper part of the upper right lobe of her lung. He is pleased and considers her cured, but she will still go for her scans. It was her scans that detected this hotspot. She did well with the surgery , but had complications after by going into pneumonia and there was an air leak in the chest tube which delayed her going home. She's a bit weak, but totally thankful to be alive, grateful to a lot of wonderful doctors and nurses. We had a few bumps and one or two bad nurses, but 90% were wonderful and when Mom left she could hardly exit the building because of all the nurses stopping her and hugging her along the way. She also appreciates all the support from the members of this board. I love being able to post in the "Good News" forum... This is indeed my favorite place to read and to post. Love and Prayers to all my LCSC family, Sue
  17. I can't believe it when I see a calendar telling me that it is mid November. Mom went in to surgery on Oct. 30th and is still there. At present , the biggest problems are regaining strength and waiting for the airl eak in her chest tube to stop. As a family we are exhausted with the long days at the hospital. Praying for her to be sent home soon. So hard to believe she had surgery, developed pneumonia and has an air leak . It's good that she has no cancer , but at nearly, 80 years old we have watched her go from a very strong person to a weak and vulnerable one in a matter of days. I could, and may write a book about all of the good and bad experiences we have had since we have been in the hospital. Just want all of you to know that your prayers have meant a lot and we remind mom of them every day. She says she really appreciates them . Love to all, Sue
  18. The latest update is that Mom is out of ICU and on another hall. She still has her chest tube from surgery due to an air leak. We hope the leak will heal soon. She is also incredibly weak.. physical therapy is working on that part. One day at a time. Well, gotta run.. promised to be there early today. Love, Sue
  19. Mom is still in ICU. She is very weak and can't stand alone , at this point. On the other hand, she is breathing a bit better and her vitals look good. The doctors say she is doing good. Time will tell. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers. Sue
  20. Another quick update of sorts.. Yesterday was not a good day. Mom started getting a bit worse, blood pressure was dropping etc.. Seems she was dehydrated, plus they finally got all results from the bronchoscopy samples and determined that she is not on the proper antibiotic. Her med has now been changed. We are praying she can tolerate it. She is allergic to everything it seems. She has two different bacterial infections..one being pneumonia. We are hoping for a quick response to the new meds. Thank you so much for all your prayers. I feel bad I haven't been around to give support , but these 12 to 13 hr days at the hospital don't leave much time for anything else. Take care all. My prayers to everyone. Love, Sue
  21. Just a quick post to let you know that Mom is still in ICU. Her surgery was one week ago today. She is battling pneumonia now. She was doing better yesterday... time will tell. Will write more later this eve if I get time. We have been spending 12 hr days up there with her. (We=my sister, Dad and I) Love, Sue
  22. Only time to ask for continued prayers for mom, please!!! She is still in ICU and has what appears to be pneumonia in part of her lung. Still on vent, with a temp feeking tube in her mouth now. Had a bronchoscopy, but the samples somehow got lost .. new sputum sample had to be taken yesterday. She is on antibiotic , but it doesn't seem to be knocking it out. Gonna be another long day ... Thank you so much to everyone who is pulling for her. Love, Sue
  23. Another exhausted post. Thank you guys so much for all your prayers. Today was better than yesterday, but yesterday was a day from hell. We are still faced with Mom having an infection . A bronchoscopy was done , samples were taken and sent to the lab. Dr. reported that he removed, blood , clots and what looks like infection. He has put her on an antibiotic for starters and called in the infectious disease team.. they are tops in identifying infection, and prescribing the proper antibiotic. Mom is allergic to everything which makes the job harder. Anyhow, she is still on ventilator , but is writing us notes right and left on paper. Overall her vitals are stablized and much improved. If they can just get her through the infection, I think she will be ok .. Oh and something else that you just will not believe..... the tumor they went into remove and all surrounding tissue was BENIGN!!!! Good news , yes , but as we look at what has happened as a result of this operation... well, it certainly stirs a lot of emotions. Thank God.. not cancer, but ...... she might have never needed the surgery at all. That's it for today guys. Take care and again thank you. Gotta run so we can do another 12 hr hospital day tomorrow. Love, Sue
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