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Everything posted by shineladysue

  1. When I didn't see Patti post in the Just for Fun Forum , I knew something was up. When she didn't answer my message to her either, I was worried. Thanks, Chris, for checking up on our Patti for us. Sure hope she is up and running sooner rather than later. Hugs, Sue
  2. Ree, I am so very sorry you have lost your mom. I'm glad your grandmother was with her, so you know that she was comforted and loved. Know that we will be here for you in the difficult days ahead. Hugs, Sue
  3. Caren, I know this is difficult , but sometimes the decisions are tough in this fight. Your Dad is so blessed to have you supporting him in whatever choice he makes for himself. My thoughts and prayers are with you as I wish you lots of time to make wonderful lasting memories . God Bless, Sue
  4. shineladysue


    I'm sorry Lily!! Please pass on my condolences to her family. Irene sounds like she was quite a remarkable woman. May she rest in peace. Sue
  5. (((Tina & Girls))), Happy Birthday Charlie!!! Sue
  6. Shrimp, I am so very sorry you have lost your Dad. My heartfelt sympathy to you and your family. Know that we will be here for you in the days ahead. Sue
  7. shineladysue


    I am so very sorry for your loss. My sympathy to you and your family. Glad you have been helped by this board. Know that we will be here for you , if you need us. Sue
  8. Hey Mitch, Such wonderful news about your Mom and you.... I'm so happy for you both and very proud of you. I must confess, I have been reading your blog from time to time and I know you deserve a lot of credit for this accomplishment of yours. Way to go... Hugs, Sue
  9. Add my prayers for all folks in the path. That's one scary looking storm.. I just can't even imagine having anything like that coming at me, hope I never have to know. Sue
  10. Maryanne, Everything sounds good. Just want you to know that lots of prayers are on the way for Joel's cyberknife next week. Hugs, Sue
  11. I will never forget that day. I was, like many here, sipping my morning coffee and at the same time I was talking to my mom on the phone. Both of us had our tv's on and watched as the events unfolded. It was after the second plane had hit that we got off the phone. I remember , I had to make a small grocery store run and I was afraid to leave the house. The next thing I heard was about the Pentagon.. I saw my neighbor across the street cutting her grass. I remember running out there and making her cut off her lawn mower to tell her our country was under attack. I then went to the store and as I was arriving I heard on the radio of the first tower collapsing.. I will never forget the feeling i had in the pit of my stomach. It was so strange when I went in the store because I tried to talk about the events to the cashiers and they had been instructed by their manager to remain calm so the customers would not get excited. I bought a few things and hurried home. From there, I remained glued to the tv for what seemed days and days. Not even on this day can I digest those horrific scenes. It's too much to handle to even try to put myself in the place of any of the family members there or any of the victims... it's just too horrible ... God be with them all Sue
  12. Caren, Sorry your Dad is in the hospital , but it is often the best place to be . Hopefully, after the transfusion and hydrating fluids he will be feeling much better. Sending prayers . Keep us updated. Hugs, Sue
  13. We do understand . When you have all the facts and a plan in place, it will be easier to deal with . Not knowing is the hardest of all. One thing you can count on , you have joined a group of wonderful people who will be here for you. Hang in there and hang on to us. Hugs, Sue
  14. shineladysue

    Still NED!

    WOO HOO!!! Such wonderful news. You are truly an inspiration. Hugs, Sue
  15. Ron, This is great news!!! Please keep us updated . Hugs, Sue
  16. My heart goes out to you and my prayers are with your Dad and your family. I'm glad you have hospice to help you all. I don't have personal experience with hospice, but from what I have read from others they are a god send. Keep us informed and know that you are among people who understand. Hugs, Sue
  17. Denise, I'm so sorry to hear this. Sending lots of prayers for Claudio. Pleae pass them on and keep us informed. Hugs, Sue
  18. Adorable pics, Shelli. I will never forget how it was when my kids started school, I was a basket case for days. It's so hard to let them go. Hugs, Sue
  19. Carole, It's good to read your post. Those are really interesting observations about the differences in oxygen level being influenced by the way you breathe. It makes a lot of sense and I'm surprised that I never heard my husband's pulmonologist mention this. It just sounds like common sense to me. I'll have to ask my mom about hers. Sure hope that possibly the mask will help you at night. Oh yeah, I love your tatoo too. It says it all. Take care dear , Carole. Hugs, Sue
  20. Teresa, I missed this when you posted it. Hope your dad is improving with each new day. In my prayers. Hugs, Sue
  21. Where is it that I get this wine? Sue
  22. Welcome Carol Ann, I just want you to know that you have found a great place to be. Welcome to our family. We look forward to knowing you better. Sue
  23. Shrimp, I just want you to know that my thoughts and prayers are with you, your dad and your family. God Bless, Sue
  24. (((Tammy))), Tears here!!! It's so hard, but it's those precious memories that assure us that our loved ones will always be with us. We will always carry them in our minds and in our hearts. Hugs, Sue
  25. Hi Rochelle, It's good to hear from you. Congratulations on your marriage. Sending lots of good wishes for your wonderful life together. I can only imagine your mom would be so thrilled to see you married and happy. I'm so happy for you. Keep in touch. Sue
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