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Everything posted by shineladysue

  1. Christine, I am so very sorry about the loss of your wonderful, loving mom. My heartfelt sympathy to you and your family. Hugs, Sue
  2. Such wonderful news for your mom. Thanks for sharing. Sue
  3. Lazy about anything that resembles work
  4. Bucky, In the time I have been on these boards, I have observed so many different cases. I have come to the conclusion that there is no one answer to your question. Every case is totally unique. Each person's health other than the cancer and their age is different . There can't possibly be an answer. The best advice is as Connie says to enjoy all the good days , as all of us should. God Bless you Bucky. You have my prayers for many many more good days ahead. Hugs, Sue
  5. (((Lynn))), Bless your heart, I do understand. This is all so new and it takes time, lots of time. Don't worry about when you will cry, it will just happen . Early in my grief, everything still seemed kind of surreal and reality hit in bits and pieces. It's different for everyone, but the same in some ways too. Above all, be patient with yourself . There are too many of us who understand and we will be here to try to help you even if all we can do is listen. Get those feelings out, it helps. One day at a time... like Randy says.. Hugs, Sue
  6. Chris, This is a very good topic and one I can relate to as well. My health suffered greatly while Mike was ill. Over the 5 years from his first diagnosis and surgery til the day he died , I put myself on back burner. Physically and emotionally I went all to hell. I gained a ton of weight (still haven't lost it ) and I developed venous insufficiency in my legs.. they were so swollen, red , infected and I had weeping edema. I had fluid running out of about 50 holes at once in my legs.... I know it sounds awful and it was. Within a month after Mike died I headed to the doctor. I got a physical , a mammogram, colonoscopy etc. Was sent to the wound care doctor with my legs.. spent about 7 weeks of weekly bandaging... 4 layers una boots they are called and had to lay on my back with my legs in the air. That was to get them healed but the problem is ongoing and I have to limit sitting and standing plus it hurts to walk a lot. I wear compression stockings every day... blahhhh... I ended up with female problems , had to have surgery and a cancer scare, but was not cancer. ... The first year I was at the doctors about 18 times and last year I swore off doctors and then there are many things going on family wise again.. Mom's cancer diagnosis, surgery etc. I'm still trying to get myself back to taking care of me. In the meantime,I getting arthritic aches etc.. What is the answer? I don't know. There was no one else to do what I did for Mike . Icouldn't leave him . I don't regret that. I am saying that I am in a mess right now and I need to get back to the doctor and I sometimes feel I'm drowning in my own health problems. It's crazy.. Just got my eyes checked a couple weeks ago , plus new glasses after putting it off 10 years. Anyhow, Chris, I am so sorry for all you are going through and you are very right that we need to do better than this. I hate to see anyone get into the state I'm in. It is sometimes easier said than done, but I'm here to tell you that you pay for it later and it's hard to stop the cycyle and get back on track. Hugs, Sue
  7. Happy Birthday Donna!!! Hugs, Sue
  8. Karen, It's good to hear from you and to hear that your mom is doing well. Glad you stopped in to let us know and to say hi. It would be great to see more of you. Hugs, Sue
  9. Kate, I hope the service went well for you, your family and friends. Hugs, Sue
  10. (((Marci))), You do have your hands full. I'm so sorry your mom is going through all of this. I will be praying that the tumor is benign. Please let us know the results and keep us updated on your mom. Hugs, Sue
  11. Bette, This news makes my day. Yahooooo from me too. Hugs, Sue
  12. Jerry, Thanks for sharing your wonderful news. Wishing you the best and look forward to hearing more from you. Sue
  13. For anyone interested in low carb beers... http://www.bellaonline.com/articles/art14302.asp Ry, note the high carbs in Bud Light. It was a shock to me. I have since switched to Miller Lite. I do like my beer. Andrea, could I ask what kind of shakes it is you are drinking? Is that all you are allowed, no beer? lol no anything else? Sue
  14. Hey Andrea, As a person with a lifetime struggle with my weight, I'd like to join... Butttt. I"m not weighing in or giving numbers. I'm way overweight at the moment. I will though, give it an effort to make healthy lifestyle changes and enjoy giving and getting support. Great idea. Sue
  15. (((Patti))), I am so very sorry you have lost your wonderful neighbor and friend. Hugs, Sue
  16. You can add my prayers too, Denise. Sue
  17. WOO HOO to "good signs" !!! May it continue. Sue
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