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Everything posted by shineladysue

  1. ((((Dar)))), Hugs, hugs and more hugs. It hurts. Wish I could make it not so. Hugs, Sue
  2. Add my prayers for Rich. Sue
  3. (((Chris))), I am just so very sorry. My thoughts and prayers are with Jerry, you and your family. Hugs, Sue
  4. Denise, Denise, Denise... when it rains it pours. Lots of Love and Prayers coming your way for you and yours. Love, Sue
  5. (((Patty))), I am so very sorry you have lost your mom. My heartfelt sympathy goes out to you and your family. Know that we will be here for you. God Bless, Sue
  6. (((Chris))), My heart really goes out to you. I'm so sorry Jerry is in such a weakened condition. I just have to believe if he is as you say he is, your mom knows. She's with him and caring for him so down deep she must know that he's in a very weakened state. Having hope isn't a bad thing and it helps us to get through and who knows , Jerry just may make a big come back . I've read some pretty miraculous stories on this board. Just know that my thoughts and prayers are with you, your mom and Jerry. Hugs, Sue
  7. I'd love to drink to that.. Way to go , Muriel. Hugs, Sue
  8. (((Fred & Kasey))), good to have you here and opening the Pub for us. I would love to come and help with Muriel's celebration. Woo Hoo and to think I almost missed this.. Sue
  9. Sure hope it won't be a bad night for Tom, but it seems that nighttime is always the worst. That has always been my experience. Let us know how things go tomorrow. Will keep all of you in my prayers. Hugs, Sue
  10. Denise, Don't panic. I do understand your fears, but just maybe it has nothing to do with the illness you and Jayla have had. Even if it does, it's not something you did. It's not your fault. Hope you can rest tonight, you need it for yourself. Hope things look brighter tomorrow. Hugs, Sue
  11. Marci, Just my 2cents on the affilitations thing. I am a bit familiar with this because the pulmonologist in our area who has an outstanding reputation and is whom my husband went to, I have gone to and my mom goes to, only goes to one hospital. What this means is if the patient gets sent to or goes to another hospital , the doctor won't make rounds or go see her there. That is a problem in my opinion because my experience has been that the pulmonoloigst is the one who is the doctor in charge, most of the times, the patient goes to the hospital with respiratory symptoms. This means iif the patient is in the hospital they won't have the care of their own doctor. In my opnion it is something you have to consider. Hope this makes sense and the bottom line is you might want to make sure that the doctor she has is available to her ALWAYS. My best to you and your mom. Sue
  12. This is Great news!!! Hope it continues and I don't blame you for not wanting them to rush him home too soon. I've seen too much of that. Sue
  13. Denise, Thinking about you. Let us know how you are doing , AFTER you see the doctor. Hope that is exactly where you are and hope you are getting that x-ray.. it's not dramatic, it's exactly what should be done. Take care. Sue
  14. Missed chat again... A friend called and I was on the phone for about 2 1/2 hrs. One day I will learn about the bus and the pod people and other such strange things that are going on behind the scenes.. Sue
  15. Hope you have gone to the doctor , Denise. Let us know how you are, when you can . Hugs, Sue
  16. shineladysue


    Wow!!! Great news for Dave and free drinks at the pub, compliments of Patti B, count me in . Fantastic!! Sue
  17. shineladysue

    Moms Eulogy

    Beautiful. Thank you for sharing it with us. Sue
  18. shineladysue


    (((Dar))), Such a precious daughter you are. I know this can't be easy for you, but knowing you are fulfilling your mom's final wishes will give you lasting comfort. My thoughts and prayers are with you during this very difficult time. Hugs, Sue
  19. Love the pics!!! Thank you Bette and thank you for posting them Nick. They are so heartwarming. Bette is a lovely lady and I love the pics of the pets and hubby. Sue
  20. Christy, Hang in there until all the facts are in. I remember Mike started with nausea and the doctor assumed it could be due to brain mets and sent him for a MRI. There weren't any brain mets. It took a while and other scans to finally determine that it was the tumor enclosing the esophagus. It had gotten large enough to put pressure on it and caused him to actually spit up or vomit when food hit his stomach. He had out patient procedure to put a stent in his esophagus and the doc put in a feeding tube as a backup if needed. I'm not saying this is the case with your mom. It can be so many things from chemo or drug intolerance to tumors or even preexisting medical problems such as gallbaldder problems etc. Gosh, I'm not trying to be a doctor, I'm just saying hang in there until you have the facts because the possibilities are endless. I'm just so sorry she is going through this . Hugs to you both, Sue
  21. Ann, I love reading about how happy you are and knowing you are doing well makes me happy . We do miss you , HEAPS!!! Hope you will find time to check in . Take care of yourself and know your family here loves you back!!!!. Hugs, Sue
  22. shineladysue

    Basically NED

    WONDERFUL NEWS, Ken. Thank you for sharing this with us. Sue
  23. http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=5suKuq1fd4s
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