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Everything posted by shineladysue

  1. Hey Denise, Just wanted to apologize for posting and running away. It seems you have gotten good advice in the meantime. You asked if there was more than the cough.... SOB is the next sympton and it can come on rapidly and be very severe. If it is caught in time , prednisone can be a big help. Usually, it takes a CT scan to confirm what it is. Mike's CT showed, what the doc called, a ground glass opacity because that is what it resembled on the scan... due to the reflection from the inflammation. Caught early it is treatable. Gosh I don''t like to play doctor here , but then again I have always been thankful for suggestions from members of this group when I was in search of answers... My prayers are on the way for you and Tom... hope he is feeling better real soon. Hugs, Sue
  2. June Bugs... to think I used to tie strings on their legs when I was a kid..
  3. (((Jill))), Reaching the one year anniversary is a BIGGIE. I remember thinking that I would be ok , but when the day came I found myself lost in thoughts of events from the year preceding. Grief is so complicated and affects us all differently. I am happy for your Dad , in that he can find the strength to reach out to others and find companionship in what is a very sad and lonely time. I'm sure he isn't trying to replace your mom , but to find someone else to share his life with. May this anniversary pass peacefully for you and yours. Hugs, Sue
  4. Denise, No freaking out allowed. I would however inform the doctor so that they can decide what should be done about the cough. He might want to prescribe a cough surpressant. If it is inflammation, he may also need to be on prednisone. Usually pneumonitis causes a dry hacking cough. That is coming from experience with my husband. Sure hope he's feeling better , Denise. Lots of prayers for good scans. Hugs, Sue
  5. Humidity... could do better without it..
  6. eggplant fresh from the garden
  7. shineladysue

    She's gone

    (((Lisa))), I am so very sorry you have lost your mom. My heartfelt sympathy goes out to you and your family. Know that we will be here for you. Hugs, Sue
  8. Ashaki, I am so very sorry you have so much to deal with all at one time. I do hope you have someone else who can help you. This is all just too much for one person. You come here and vent about it all you want . We care and even if we can do nothing else, we are willing to listen and offer a cyber hug or two. Hugs, Sue
  9. Happy Birthday Connie B.!!!!! Love, Sue
  10. Maybe it won't be as bad as you think and just maybe you will get that raise. Good Luck. Hope we will see you more than you think. Sue
  11. Lisa, I'm so very sorry you have lost your friend and I wiould like to send my sincere condolences to all of her family and friends. Sue
  12. Scorpion ( actually an arachnid, but ... )
  13. Happy Birthday Bucky!!! Hugs, Sue
  14. Machinist ( my Daddy was one.. )
  15. Lynn, Glad you are doing better and what a wonderful place to be at this point and time in you rlife. Know that we will be here too, if you need us. We understand. Hugs, Sue
  16. Coni, You and your husband have my prayers for good MRI results. The problems you mentioned could all be related to sinus problems or something else entirely . Hang on to good thoughts and know that in many cases , even if it is brain mets they can be treated successfully. God Bless. Hugs, Sue
  17. (((Ree))), None of us ever know exactly what to expect from this disease. No two cases are alike. I will keep you , your mom and your family in my prayers in the coming days. I hope that hospice will be a big help to you and yours. Keep us informed. Hugs, Sue
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