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Everything posted by shineladysue

  1. ((((Teri)))) In my thoughts today. Hugs, Sue
  3. Someday, I'm going to lose all this extra weight.
  4. Judy, The friend's comment sounds like pure jealousy coming out . Maybe that friend always wanted to be like you, I can see why . You inspire me Judy, you really do. You Go Girl. Hugs, Sue
  5. Andrea, Am keeping your mom in my prayers today. And... I think knee surgery is still a big deal. I once worked as a caregiver to a lady who had just had knee surgery and it's a little more than a scrape on the knee , but in most cases the results are well worth it. Hugs, Sue
  6. Maryanne , you and your sobby animal videos... Can I send you my bill for tissues. Sue
  7. Fred, you always did know how to pick 'em.. WELCOME BACK Sue
  8. Jen, please send my condolences to the family. As Patti said, we will be here for them if they need us. We are good listeners and we understand. Sue
  9. Dar, Your mom was a very pretty lady. Thanks for sharing. Hugs, Sue
  10. (((Val))), Of all weeks, not that there is ever a good week , but the same week of your mom's 3 years passing and same week you are headed to see your Gramma. Sending prayers for all of it Val. I'm so sorry you have this extra worry, but just maybe it is nothing... I'm not sure I would like that doctor. He sure doesn't mince words, but was that necessary to say that? Hang in there Val.. one day at a time. Hugs, Sue
  11. Thanks for inviting us to share your famlily with you. Hugs, Sue
  12. Nice pictures , Denise. They are very touching. Sue
  13. Welcome back , Jamie and wishing you the best in your new place. Hugs, Sue
  14. Thanks for letting us know, Ry. Lots of prayers for Rich. Hope this time the visit will be real short and he will be home again soon. Sue
  15. Carole, First of all , I would like to thank you for starting this thread. I'm sure there are probably many who, like myself, have gained more than I am able to contribute to this discussion. It has always been my belief that the entire death process is made more bearable if it can be openly discussed , like any other part of life. Ideally, I think it would help if people were to make it a part of discussions with family and friends whether there is an immediate health crisis or not. We KNOW that we are ALL going to die, but none of us knows when or how. In my personal experience with Mike and his battle with cancer, we never had "the" discussion. It was more of a gradual thing. From the very beginning of his recurrence (stage IV) , Mike was told he was terminal and we had to accept that. He was fighting in the hopes that he could become stable long enough for the proverbial "silver bullet".. that was our hope. In Mike's case, he became more spirtual. He spent a lot of time thinking and praying and he put his fate in God's hands. We made wills, and living will's together. It was through discussions of the living will that I knew how he perceived his death and what he wanted. The week before he died , he asked me to gather friends and family to come see him and to tell them "the end is near". It was hard. The night before he died , he sat up in his hospital bed and he told everyone " I'm not afraid to die.. he held up his index and middle fingers together as one and said " God and I are like that" .. he said " all I ask is that you take care of Sue". This was said to family in the room . It's hard to write about this now, but it gives me tremendous comfort to this day. My husband was one hell of a man.. so strong, so courageous, and so unselfish. It's as though he planned his last days and minutes . As he passed he mouthed "I love you "and squeezed the hands of my son and I. Thanks, Carole. Death is a difficult subject , but being able to talk about it is important. Hope I didn't get too carried away. Tears here. Love, Sue
  16. Coni, I'm so happy for you and your husband. It sounds like he is doing great. This is indeed "Good News" and the kind of news we all love to hear. I'm excited for you too.. Hugs, Sue
  17. (((Teri))), You will be in my thoughts and prayers this week. Can't believe it has been a year. I know it must be so hard to gather Bill's things, especially with the intention of letting them go. I still haven't gone through many of Mike's things and it has been over 2 years. God Bless. Hugs, Sue
  18. (((Val))), I hope that somehow, in some way this year will be easier than you anticipated. It has to get better, right? I think it would be hard to stay in the room where your mom passed away, but in some way perhaps it will comfort you. So sorry to hear about your "Gramma". Hope you have a good visit with her . You will be in my thoughts and prayers. Hugs, Sue
  19. Bud Light, please and an extra one in memory of Frank Lamb. Please fill the desert case with chocolate doughnuts and I will have one of those too. Will always think of Frank when I step in the pub. ((((Kasey, Fred, and Teddy))), WELCOME BACK!!! Love, Sue
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