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Everything posted by shineladysue

  1. Another Tim Russert fan here. The rainbow had to have been more than sheer coincidence. Such a beautiful final thought. Sue
  2. This news is too sad. She was so young. My condolences to her family and friends. Sue
  3. Boy, have I been missing out. My life is too sane and boring. I'm coming to chat next week. Gotta find out what you guys are talking about.. lol Sue
  4. Gail, I am so very sorry Hank is not doing better. There just aren't words to tell you how I feel , but you have my heartfelt thoughts and prayers. I have no experience with hospice services, but from what the others are telling you, it sounds like they may be a big help to you and to Hank. I do hope that is the case. I'm glad that there are many here who can share their experiences. Hang in there Gail and post when you need us. God Bless, Sue
  5. (((Sandra))), Now you've done it. You've caused rivers to form around me as the tears just keep coming. You and others have spoken what has been in my heart for a long while. After I lost my husband , I continued to come here and some of my family and friends couldn't understand why. But it's the bond among those of us "who get it". It's the bond among those of us who know what is meant by " the new normal". It's about helping to pick one another up on a bad day , praying for those in need and celebrating with those who are doing well. It's about appreciating the opportunity to share each and every day with people who really know the meaning of life. For me, it's not just about my husband now. It's now about my mom, who was diagnosed last year, and it's about me as a caregiver, family member and friend to other cancer patients. Some days I come for help , some days I come to give help and on most all days I do both. Sandra, thank you for starting this thread. This seems like the perfect time to, once again, thank Katie and Rick for creating this place for all of us. Love and Hugs to All. Love, Sue
  6. (((Dar)))), I'm so very sorry you have lost your precious mom. I feel sure that by you and your brother being there that it was a real comfort to her, as she passed. My thoughts and prayers will be with you in these difficult days. Hugs, Sue
  7. Oh dear, Denise, What can I say. Bless your hearts. Hugs and prayers coming for all of you. Sue
  8. ((((Dar)))), No words, just lots of hugs and prayers coming your way. Hugs, Sue
  9. Hi Patti Was without internet all day and I was having a fit worrying about you. I'm so glad you are now on the Lovenox... What a name!!! Hope it won't be too bad for you. So far , everyone says it's not that bad. Guess the idea just sounds worse than it is... the main thing is I hope it busts any clots and lets you get some peace of mind. You take care of yourself. Never lose that marvelous sense of humor and fighting spirit. Hugs, Sue
  10. I'm so sorry that your mom is having all these problems, but it sounds like you really needs her doctor to help answer these questions. Cancer can be so complicated sometimes and no two cases are allike. I just want you to know that I will keep your mom and your family in my prayers. Let us know how things go tomorrow with the doctor. God Bless, Sue
  11. Gail, I missed your update. Just want you to know that you have my prayers for things to improve soon. Hugs, Sue
  12. Hi Patti, So glad you had the tests done and found out what was wrong. Sorry you are having to wait. Take care of yourself. I will make this short since I had pm'ed back and forth with you, but I sure hope others will come along and tell you their experiences with blood clots in the leg and what done to treat them. Above all , follow doctor's orders and put the feet up. Hopefully, you can get more information from the doctor in the morning. Don't blame ya for wanting the "clot busters".. lol Take care of yourself. Hugs, Sue
  13. Judy, Just don't say goodbye. It's until we meet again. You go and have a wonderful time. We will be with you in spirit and maybe a note or two in your mailbox.. hehe We are like extended family , which you can never get too far away from . We will always be with you. You are already in our thoughts and in our hearts. God Bless and have a wonderful time. Hugs, Sue
  14. Karla, I'm so very sorry for your loss. My sincere condolences to you and your family. Don't forget that we are still here , if you need us, in ,what can be, the difficult days to come. God Bless, Sue
  15. Happy Birthday Andrea!!! Love, Sue
  16. ((((Carrie)))), I'm so sorry for the pain you are going through. You are doing the right thing to post them and get them out. You are among friends who understand, sometimes it seems the rest of the world doesn't . Be kind to yourself and just take it one day at a time. Hugs, Sue
  17. (((Dar))), My heart goes out to you and mom. Sending lots of hugs and prayers your way. God Bless, Sue
  18. Deb, Just want you to know that my heart goes out to you. I went through a period where Mike was mentally confused to the point of not knowing how to bathe etc. It lasted 8 weeks. His was a result of high doses of prednisone, plus other meds given at the same time. He recovered about 90% from that after reduction in meds. so I know that meds can cause this kind of thing, but I am told that it is also common as a result of progression of disease. Reach out and get help wherever you can. Don't try to handle it all alone. In the meantime , you can add my prayers to those of others. God Bless, Sue
  19. Denise, Overall, things sound good for Tom. Keeping him hydrated is a biggie . He will feel better . He's a real fighter for sure. Hugs, Sue
  20. GREAT NEWS!!! Michael's scan results are great. I'm so very happy for the two of you. Take a deep breath and enjoy your lives. Hugs, Sue
  21. WONDERFUL NEWS!!! Meet you at the pub, Patti . The first round is on me. Bless your heart, you were certainly a nervous wreck , weren't you? So glad that part is over. Will be thinking only good thoughts for the ultrasound tomorrow. Let us know the results of those too. Put those feet up , take a deep breath and enjoy your evening. Hugs, Sue
  22. Debi, You are not only a 5 year survivor , but you look positively radiant. Thank you for sharing this day. You are an inspiration to so many. Wishing you continued good health for many many many years to come. Hugs, Sue
  23. Denise, Hope you can get Jayla medical attention. That poor child shouldn't have to suffer because her mom won't do the right thing. Will be praying for you and Jayla. Hugs, Sue
  24. Just to add to this..... Mike was left handed and his lung cancer was in his right lung Mom is right handed and her lung cancer was in her right lung. Sue
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