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Everything posted by shineladysue

  1. Alisa, I love reading this post. Sharing your story and results gives so much hope to others. May you see those babies graduate and on and on and on and on. God Bless, Sue
  2. I would be thankful that his onc wants to keep a close eye on him. My husband's cancer recurrence was at the 3 year mark and I believe if he had been monitored more closely he might be here now. By the time, he was diagnosed the second time, he was stage IV . He was getting chest xrays only , at the point of diagnosis and his tumor didn't show on the xrays. There has to be a happy medium, but keeping an eye on things is a really good idea. Sue
  3. Faith, Thank you for sharing your thoughts about your sister's memorial service with us. It sounds like it was perfect and the poem is beautiful. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Sue
  4. Congratulations, this is such wonderful news. I am so happy for you. Sue
  5. shineladysue


    Love that one!!!
  6. Happy Birthday Carlton. Been thinking about you Grace. Hope you and the kids are doing ok. Hugs, Sue
  7. shineladysue


    Good to hear you are home, Mitchell. Sure hope things will be much better from here. I had thought about having this surgery myself, but after reading your experience .. ummm think I'll hold off on that decision. Please keep us updated. Hugs, Sue
  8. shineladysue


    Mitchell's blog for Tina and others. I've been following it and was a bit worried after reading the last post. www.pentecostalmitch.com Hurry and Get Well, Mitchell. Love and Prayers, Sue
  9. shineladysue


    Randy, Thank you so much for updating us on Mitchell. I have been reading his blog and I was really very concerned about him. I'm so sorry he has had to be hospitalized. This surgery sounds like no picnic. When you get the chance to contact him again, please let him know that my thoughts and prayers are with him. Hugs, Sue
  10. Teresa , I've been thinking about your Dad and keeping him in my prayers. I hope all went well with his surgery. Hugs, Sue
  11. Shelli, I am so very sorry you have lost your Dad. You have my thoughts and prayers as you and your family go through the difficult days ahead. Sue
  12. I am so very sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. God Bless, Sue
  13. Rob, Glad the treatments are over for you. You have my prayers for good results. Sue
  14. Teresa, Your dad (Jerry) will be in my prayers tomorrow as he goes in for his surgery. God Bless, Sue
  15. I am so very sorry to read that your father has reached this point in his illness. You and your family have my prayers . I hope hospice will be a big help to you all. God Bless, Sue
  16. Lots of prayers being said for Heather. I'm so very sorry to read this news. Thanks for letting us know, Maryanne. Sue
  17. WONDERFUL NEWS!!! YES!!!! This is the kind of news we like to hear. So happy for you, Muriel. Sue
  18. Andrea, please tell Randi that many prayers are going up for her mom, Julie. Please keep us informed. Hugs, Sue
  19. Ann, I think Brooke will go. She just doesn't sing consistently well. Actually, Paula Abdul should be going home.. Can't believe what she did last night... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SGUyLet19ak What in the world was wrong with her? Sue
  20. ((((Denise)))), Lots of hugs and prayers coming your way for your daughter, brother, you and your family. Keep us updated. Hugs, Sue
  21. Thanks for the update , Susan. Sounds good. Hope your mom continues to feel better and better. Hugs to both of you, Sue
  22. Ernie, sending prayers for great results and looking forward to your update. Sue
  23. Susan, your mom has my prayers for a benign pop. Hang in there. I know how easy it is to worry, but try not to.. Let us know what the doctor says. Sue
  24. Precious kids, Missy. I know you must be so proud. Sue
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