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Everything posted by shineladysue

  1. (((Missy))), Grief has a way of blindsiding us. Sorry it is so hard right now. Hope you will come more often and hope that you will be having a better day. Hugs, Sue
  2. Ernie, My husband had pneumonitis as a result of Alimta. He grew progressively short of breath and then it got severe, but it showed on CT scan as a ground glass opacity. He had to undergo prednisone therapy in large doses over a long period of time. This doesn't happen to everyone, but I think that patients who are treated with Alimta should be aware of the possiblity . Good Luck Ernie. You have my prayers. Sue
  3. Like a fool, yes I am.. You got me Ann. Sue
  4. Me??? My Mom would laugh at this one. She would say that I've never been quiet a day in my life. I never shut up , even when I'm alone. Sue
  5. My condolences to the two of you and to the rest of your family and Marty's friends. Sue
  6. I also had a cyst on my ovary , many years ago, and it disappeared the way it came. Hope you feel better now that you have talked to the office. Take care. Sue
  7. Love all those smiles . You all look wonderful. Sue
  8. A friend bought an old icecream scooper at a yard sale for $1 and sold it on ebay for $800. Sue
  9. Such wonderful news!!! Keep it coming. Sue
  10. Sounds like you guys had a wonderful time.. I'm so happy for you. Can hardly wait to see the pics. Sue
  11. (((Mary))), I am so very sorry for your loss. I haven't lost a parent, but I did lose my husband to lung cancer. Many here can understand the pain you feel . Let yourself grieve and be patient with yourself. There are many here who understand and who care. If you have specific questions you would like to ask, there is usually someone who can relate. Glad you joined us, but sorry you needed to . God Bless you. sue
  12. Barb, this news is awesome. Keep us updated on the rest. Sue
  13. Peach Chocolate Butter Pecan Sue
  14. Look at them, how perfect. Precious. Sue
  15. She couldn't be any more precious, Ann. I can understand you being so very proud of her. Sue
  16. Pat, I hope you know how much you are loved here. You are one of the special ones, ya know. You've given so much of yourself to others, in this "family", and now it's your turn to take some. Reach out and take all the love and support you need. We are here for you and if that doesn't work, we always have Ry and company to come after ya. Hugs and Prayers, Sue
  17. Ned, Thank you for sharing your pictures with us. It's good to see you, your daugter and your dog. I love Golden's . My last dog, Ginger, was a Golden. There was never a more lovable dog. Had to have her put down 9 years ago and I still miss her terribly. Your baby is so so beautiful. Sue
  18. Becky, I couldn't be more thrilled for you. You are a real inspiration to others, patients as well as caregivers. Hugs, Sue
  19. Thank you, Lilian . Your words are beautiful. sue
  20. Those results are great. Will be waiting for the rest. You might want to post them in the Test Time forum . That is where we usually post our test results. You have my prayers for good results. Sue
  21. Michele, I loved your post , but it brought lots of tears to my eyes. I understand. Thank you for sharing. Hugs, Sue
  22. Ann, I desperately need to paint my house. Some are antigue white and 2 bedrooms are colors- blue and green. After watching HGTV, I want to change everything.... Sue
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