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Everything posted by shineladysue

  1. (((Linda))), Sending a big cyber hug your way. Most of us can relate to how you are feeling now. I'm glad that you have found this group , but as we always say " I'm sorry you needed to find us." Sandra is right, the next step is to see an oncologist and establish a plan for treatment. With treatment comes the peace of knowing you are doing the best you can to fight the disease and with that comes hope. Keep us informed and know that we are always here if you need to vent. Will keep you and your husband in my prayers . Hugs, Sue
  2. This is great news. So glad the procedure went along successfully. I'm keeping my eye out for your posts and keeping you in my thoughts and prayers always. Hugs , Sue
  3. (((( Patti)))), That must have been a real shock to you, BUT.......Whatever it is , it sounds like it is small and if it happens to be anything, at least they found it early . Think only positive thoughts, Patti. In the meantime, you know I am one of many keeping you in our prayers. Hugs, Sue
  4. (((Mary Anne))), I am so very sorry you have lost your loving husband . My heartfelt sympathy goes out to you , family and friends. Know that we are here if you need us. God Bless, Sue
  5. Shrimp, I'm sorry your Dad is having a rough time. Hope they can make him more comfortable soon. Will keep him in my prayers. Sue
  6. Hope and a positive attitude goes a long way in fighting this disease and others. It is so important. There are ignorant people everywhere, unfortunately there are too many of them in the medical profession. Sorry that happened, but hope you can share the hope and inspiration shared by so many members of this site. God Bless, Sue
  7. My condolences to all who loved her. Sue
  8. Cheers to Sandra and Ned!!! I would love to join in the celebration of your survivorship. What a wonderful inspiration the two of you are. It's onward to many many more... Hugs, Sue
  9. Happy Birthday to your Dad!!! (((Shelli))), my heart goes out to you today. It's not easy . It hurts, a lot. Hope your time out with friends will be helpful. Hugs, Sue
  10. (((Christy))), I'm so very sorry for your loss. My heartfelt sympathy to you and your family. Know that we will be here for you. Hugs, Sue
  11. Yep!!! My husband was super sensitive to steroids. Decadron had him red in the face and so wired he couldn't sit still . He even had sterioid induced psychosis from large amounts of prednisone. Steroids are oftentimes called the drug you love to hate or something like that. .. they do a wonderful job as an anti inflammatory , but they certainly have wicked side effects. Just know if your husband isn't himself and he lashes out at you.. it's the drugs not him. Try to be patient, he will start returning when they start lowering the dosages. Sue
  12. Thanks , Denise. I hope Jayla knows how much he is loved. She's one fortunate little girl. Hugs, Sue
  13. Wonderful pics, Denise. Thanks for sharing and I agree with Patti, Tom does look GOOD. Sue
  14. Sharon, I don't know why you were in the hospital , but I am glad to know that you are home. I feel I have missed something important somewhere. I would like to say that I love your new site and your bracelets. They are beautiful and I will order from you soon. Take care of yourself and keep us updated .. ok? We care. Hugs, Sue
  15. My thoughts and prayers to all in harms way. Also praying that the storms lose their intensity before hitting. Love, Sue
  16. My heartfelt condolence to you and your family. Will keep you in my thoughts and prayers in the days ahead and most certainly through this hurricane too. Do check back in and let us know how you are. God Bless, Sue
  17. He's funny , Randy. Thanks for sharing...
  18. Christy , Thank you so much for sharing this GREAT NEWS with us. Darrell's wonderful news will most certainly help to inspire others as well. Hope you will continue sharing with us. Hugs, Sue
  19. Connie, If only they knew what a huge loss it is to them and their members to have shut you out. While I'm here, I just want to thank you for all you do and all you share with us and yes, we certainly do have it good here. Katie and Rick and the people here ROCK!!! Hugs, Sue
  20. Chris, I have been thinking about your situation too and I have no answers. It just sounds like your mom just needs a lot of extra reassurance and support right now. She is so blessed to have you . Hugs, Sue
  21. My thoughts and prayers are with you as you wait. We all know how hard that is. Sue
  22. Hi Maryanne, Good to see you . Sounds like you have been a busy lady. Thank you for all you do, as always and I want to wish you and Joel the best with his treatments. Hugs, Sue
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