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Everything posted by SJAS

  1. Sorry, can't help with hair advice - you see my pic! Actually, mine is pulled back because Steve thinks I'm still that 17-year-old he first fell in love with. (Thank goodness for failing eyesight ) So we compromise on lengths between chin and shoulder.
  2. Happy Birthday Dean! Hope there are some big balloon on that scooter today!
  3. Cheryl, you are truly amazing. If the treatment under study becomes a ray of hope for lc patients, much will be owed to the wonderful attitude you brought to it. Thank you for continuing to lead the charge in this battle.
  4. Fay, Karen, Pamela & everyone, Thank you for a real education tonight. We have not had to face steroids yet, but we have gone thru WBR. It seems like every possible complication gets thrown into the mix, so this one may be on the horizon. I will now be in a much better position to ask some questions if it does. I am so sorry for all you are going through with this. I pray that things will settle down soon and the real person inside will surface once again.
  5. Hi Kate, I think most of us living with a loved one with lc go through a range of emotions. Sometimes the anger and frustration of dealing with this monstrous disease and the medical procedures and the insurance and ... just take a toll - we have to lash out. This is a good place to do it. We can help remind each other that our loved ones are also going through a rollercoaster of hope, fear, pain and depression. As much as we want to be saints, we can't. Don't beat up on yourself (cancer already does a pretty good job of it!). I find that a good solitary walk where I can rage, or cry or whatever is a good place to start. Find what works for you.
  6. SJAS


    Tami, Please call your doctor NOW. This is not a case of "out of sight/out of mind." You need to know what you're dealing with here and not knowing is not making your life any easier. Cancer meds and care are changing all the time and you need to take advantage of everything out there. Please don't delay
  7. There was a thread a while ago on misdiagnosis which was quite popular. I think many of us have gone down that route. You tell Bob that those doctors work for him and right now they don't appear to be doing their job. So give them a kick in the butt and make them find some real answers. It's very empowering to take control of the helm!
  8. Oh Tess, I am so sorry to hear how things are going with Rob. I just want to hug you and cry with you. You're right - he is so young, it's just heartbreaking. I'm sitting here wanting to find the right words to help you, but there just aren't any. I just pray for peace, strength and comfort for you both.
  9. Kelly, I don't make it to this section often (tend to hover in NSCLC & General), but I am delighted that I dropped by tonight to read your story. Your determination to help your mother is so inspiring - and what a payoff! I wish you all the best in your continued battle and look forward to hearing that your mom has continued to beat off the beast.
  10. Joni, Even though I'm not qualified to issue hall passes yet, I'd vote for a lengthy one for you. You and Alex go and have a nice, restful breather and we'll be here for you when you get back. Give that big young man a hug from all his cyber family here and we're sending one to you too. Have a good trip
  11. Hi Betty, I don't have much info for you since my husband was originally dx Stage IV. But I'd have to say that if you have nagging doubts about what you're hearing, look into it further. Good luck!
  12. Welcome Jay, First, let me say how sorry I am to hear about your son and his wife's illnesses. I agree with the rest of the gang that you should not try to take everything on at once. Can you get other family members/friends involved? Sometimes I think others are so anxious to help, but we are so determined to be totally self-reliant that we send out the wrong message. Once we started accepting a bit of help, it was truly amazing. Everyone said how much it helped THEM! People feel so helpless when someone they care about is dx with cancer, that this gives them a way to do something. Reach out to us too - we'll be there for you.
  13. Sending you a bit belated welcome (I don't get on as much as I'd like) and a ((hug)) for you and your mom. We started out in the same category - Stage IV bone and brain mets - and it is such a rush that I'm not surprised you haven't posted yet. That dx doesn't leave time to catch a breath. We'll be here for you and looking forward to leading the cheering section for your mom. Take care....
  14. Hello Shelley, I don't have a lot of answers for you - sorry - but I would suggest one thing. Try to convince your mom to take a microcassette recorder with her to her doctor visits and send you the tape so you can really understand what is going on. If the doctor doesn't want to accept it, find another doctor. I, too, agree that your mom definitely needs someone there with her. We started out thinking we could do it all ourselves (and there's two of us) and soon found it impossible. In a way, that has been a blessing of this rotten disease (wow, do I hate admitting that there actually could be ANYTHING positive from it!). We have learned that it's ok to let other people be there for you - cancer strips away all the barriers. Also, don't give up on getting your mom to move close to you. There could be many reasons why she is hesitant to do it, but that may change as this journey continues. Best wishes for you both.
  15. Hi Dianne, Your cancer cells must already be running for cover! Now that is a "cancer - kick butt attitude" if I ever heard one. You go girl!!! We'll be looking forward to getting to know you better.
  16. Welcome Kate, We all certainly understand about the lack of time to post, but glad you took a few minutes to do it now. We're all pulling for you and your SO. Since you've been around a bit, you already know how much love, support and laughs (eg. Snowflake's posts!!) can be found here. Take care.
  17. Hi Amy, Just wanted to take a moment and welcome you. This is such an overwhelming time and you're already getting good info from the folks here. I would suggest that whoever goes with your dad take a microcassette recorder with them for all the doctor visits, then send the tape to you. My siblings always do this with my parents and then the rest of us can know exactly what is going on. Steve and I also did it for his doctor visits in the beginning because there is so much information and emotionally you are in a tough place to take it all in. As you get more informed of your dad's dx, then you will have some directions to follow in your research. Take a deep breath, it's quite a ride.
  18. Do you remember how all those things in science fiction stories sounded so far out and then.....
  19. Really thrilled to see good ole Michiganders standing up to fight lung cancer. Best of luck with your event!
  20. David, I bet your wife is doing worrying enough for both of you, so let her take care of that part. I know you guys don't want us to worry, but it's one of the things we do, regardless. Hoping that everything turns out to be just a bit of a bump in the road and that hot car zooms right through it all to smooth pavement ahead (humm - I remember Mich. roads. That analogy may totally stink! Ok-ok so there's probably several miles of construction signs with traffic down to one lane, but then you get there and there's nothing at all going on. Does that one work better? )
  21. TeeTaa, Thank you so much for taking the time to update us during such a difficult time. There are hearts breaking coast to coast. Your experience also seemed more than mere coincidence to me. Perhaps there is meaning to take away in how wonderfully you all turned out after going through the painful loss of your father. There's so much we don't understand. I hope you can feel everyone on this board surrounding TBone and all of you now.
  22. A California Bash - great idea We are about 50 miles north of SF. If Steve is well enough, we certainly would try to make it. Our place could handle a crowd (plenty of parking in the orchard), but it's not very accessible - lots of stairs and major hill. It's in Wine Country - close to Bodega Bay too ("The Birds"), so if people were interested in doing it up here, I could try to set something up.
  23. Thanks Ry. I'm stopping at the drugstore on the way home from work today.
  24. As someone else who has struggled with the insurance company, I send a big THANK-YOU for your courage and determination.
  25. Becky, I keep telling Steve, "You don't have to try out EVERY possible procedure - there's no Guiness Record for that, is there?" Wow, sure sounds like this is one to miss. Just hope they can figure things out soon and give you some answers.
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