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Everything posted by SJAS

  1. SJAS

    I'm Back...

    Tracy, We're new since you've been gone - but darn I hate having to meet this way. Sending positive thoughts and prayers as you all resume the journey.
  2. Prayers for only good news on the biopsy.
  3. SJAS - Steve Joyce Alex Scott Call me boring & lazy - gotta save the ole fingers for tying the important stuff.
  4. Ditto in regard to Puff. It does it to me too.
  5. How dare he say that to you! What a jerk! Steve is getting good care in Santa Rosa at the Redwood Regional Medical Group, but I would suggest looking into Stanford Med. Center in Palo Alto or UCSF in SF, they're both cutting edge. Good luck and get thee to a radiologist who would walk through hot coals to take care of you.
  6. You've got one behind you - hurray! Take care.
  7. Becky, I tell Steve that he had chemo and yet I have the "chemo brain." (Is that something like when men suffer similar symptoms when their wives are pregnant - yea let's see 'em match labor - ha!) Yep stress makes our lives insane at times. Want to hear a good one? Steve needed some meds from the store and since I was picking the kids up at school, I dropped him off at the pharmacy, told him I'd go up the block to the school and be right back. Of course, I drove home with the kids, yelling, "Hon, we're home," when we got into the house. No answer. Guessing he was at the neighbors, I sat down to read the newspaper and about half-hour later decided to check w/neighbors. He wasn't there - so I guessed he must be out for a short walk. Talked to another neighbor, who was asking about him and said he must be better as he seems to be out for a walk. As I was going back in the door - WHAM, it hit me. Boy, did I hotfoot it back to town. There he was in front of the store, finally trying to call me. He must love me if he can fogive me for that. You are not alone in this one. p.s. - when I have a brain f*rt in front of the kids, I tell them it's because they sucked all my brain cells out. (Since they're both teenagers - it may be true!)
  8. Ginny, So thankful Earl is not in pain and that he is there next to you. There's an awful lot of tears being shed here for you. We try so hard to keep it together in front of our loved ones, but sometimes it's just impossible. I keep telling Steve that he's the one with cancer but it seems like he's always comforting me. But I can guess from what I've seen of your relationship in your posts, that you still share some light moments too. Hope they can also comfort you both.
  9. The roller coaster of lung cancer life! Glad you're coasting now and hopefully no big hills ahead.
  10. Talk about "picture perfect!" What a wonderful family.
  11. How about another option to the buzz cut? (It's always nice to get a few options With WBR, Steve's hair, which had just begun growing back from the chemo, fell out almost overnight. That is, almost all of it except for a couple round patches in the bottom back. I asked him if he wanted to shave it off and he said, "Nope, I'm growing a rat tail!" Later most of it fell out and I asked him if he wanted to shave what was left. His reply? Only takes three to braid it! Good luck with the chemo.
  12. Stand back - it's on its way back to the top! Sheesh, every year we're back "home" in Mich. except this year and NOW there's a party. Yep, Steve & I are both Michiganders - fell for each other our senior year at good ole Flat Rock H.S. (AKA "Level Pebble"). Still have family all over the place. My sister just walked in the Brighton Relay for Steve. Sounds like a great time and wish Steve was feeling better so we could make it. (Boys also are dying for some skiing on Lake St. Helen!) We better see lots of follow-ups after so we can live vicariously....
  13. Welcome home Cheryl! What a wonderful, fun spirit you are. I got such a laugh out of the "facial machine" (gee, wish I had thought of that when Steve was on one for 9 days - he could have come home to a new wife - ha!) Just bet all your critters will be celebrating now. Congrats!
  14. Happy Break - Happy Camping - Happy Boating Now that is a real vacation!
  15. Margaret, We have been through this exact dilemma recently. In Dec., Steve was to have WBR. We literally cancelled sitting in the radiation office for the first tx after having done some extensive research the night before. We demanded to see a Gamma Knife specialist and it seemed Steve would be a good candidate. The Tumor Board required a triple-dose MRI and by then Steve's tumors had disappeared from chemo. So all tx ended, but the controversy did not. His onc. and radiologist both wanted him to do WBR anyway prophylactically. The neurosurgeon totally disagreed and said WBR is too major of a step to take unless absolutely necessary. We finally just had to make the decision and live with the consequences. We refused WBR. Unfortunately, by Feb. Steve had 15 brain mets. He then had to do WBR, but we both still have some concerns about it. His health was terribly impacted by the WBR. He was completely wiped out and is still in a slow recovery. I would DEFINITELY read up on both procedures, and see a Gamma Knife specialist. I have read that some places are using CyberKnife for brain mets too. Sorry this is so long, but this is such an important step. Ifwe can give you any other info, just PM me. Take care.
  16. Jim and Carolyn, Thinking of you both and sending prayers for strength and comfort.
  17. My husband was on high blood pressure meds too and when he started back on the morphine for pain control, his blood pressure went way down. He still has a lot of fatigue from all the other issues, but getting him off the high blood pressure meds did help. Talk to your doc soon.
  18. Tess & Rob, Here's hoping that the Home Health Care can really do something wonderful for Rob. When Steve came home from the hospital, it was our home health nurse who really got us help in the pain meds dept. The individual time and attention really pays off. Trying to send you some strength because I too know how hard it is to watch our husbands in pain.
  19. Last night I sat outside looking at the stars and marveled at all the possibilities that are out there. Think what wonderful, new things your daughter may have gone on to. I am sorry for your loss.
  20. TeeTaa, I'm so glad that Terry is going to get some real help with the pain and that he is feeling good about his decision. Blessings for all of you.
  21. SJAS

    Nerve Damage

    Have you tried Senna? It seemed to work much better than some of the other stool softners/laxatives. Also, Steve had a lot of abdominal discomfort that ended up being acid reflux. It was not at all a pain similiar to what we expected when the docs warned about acid reflux. Darn it, I can't remember the name of the medicine he was given for it, but it really did the trick and he even was able to start eating again. Good luck!
  22. SJAS


    Oh Peggy, your post just made my day. Knowing that your husband has gone through much of the same tx as my husband - and to hear he is doing so well! I'm so happy for you both and want to thank you for the hope you are giving me. Continued good health and strength to you both.
  23. Uh-oh, so when you get 'em taken out, are you de-ported??? Hope everything goes smoothly tomorrow.
  24. Nina, Makes you wonder who is really the SICK one, eh. That is just so infuriating. Glad you're feeling a bit better. Hey, I thought little dogs were supposed to have a "big dog" ego? Ha! We have two of the large, economy size ourselves - can I send you the one who is totally spoiled??
  25. Stats aside - this stuff is scary. Been down the road recently myself. You hang in there, go outside and yell good and loud that you have had quite enough cancer in your life and won't be having any more!!
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