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I love Lucie


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When I first found this forum, one of the first people I became intrigued with was Lucie -- and Don, of course. I found myself eagerly looking for posts from them, no matter what the topic. Reading about Lucie and her treatment was such an inspiration, and Don is so honest and forthcoming when he shares things with us.

I'm posting this here in the "Inspiration" section, because I just wanted Lucie to know what an inspiration she has become to me, and probably many others. You may know that I'm going through some struggles right now, not the kind that mean a decline in health, but just with docs and tests and the like. You know what makes me feel better in an instant? Thinking about Lucie and the battles she has fought, and her courage. And, of course, as always, her loving Don by her side.

I read somewhere the other day a quote that unfortunately I can't remember verbatim or cite the author, but it was about courage being the one virtue a person must have before s/he can have any other virtues. That without courage, none of the other virtues are possible. I thought that fit what I know of Lucie to a tee - that she has courage as her basis for her continuing battles, and is able to stay on top of the situation and live her life the way she wants.

Bravo, dear lady, and your beloved Don. You are so appreciated and admired, and I just wanted you both to know that.


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What beautiful words and a wonderful tribute to Don and Lucie. There is no higher honor than to be an inspiration to others. I also look forward to Don's posts. In his words you can feel the love and admiration he has for Lucie. Kudos Don and Lucie and May God Bless you always!


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ditto here too---

Don and Lucie are truly inspirations---the way Don supports everyone , and is so calming and positive---and I love the way he dotes on his Lucie

and I love Lucie's spirit and attitude--

what a beautiful and inspirational couple, may they have a very long and wonderful life together.

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Amen, Dianne!! I think Lucie is such an awesome lady!! A true inspiration. You know, I hear through the grapevine that Don lets Lucie shop online..........LOTS! Any man that agrees with lots of shopping is A-O.K. in my book!!! :lol: (just kidding Don........you really are a gem!)

Angie..............member of the I Love Lucie fan club!

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