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Has Anyone Ever Done This


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I have an appointment with my PCP "Dr." tomorrow AM. She is not going to be all that happy to see me since the results of my bloodwork aren't back--but I don't care about the tests she is running, I CARE about my lungs.

For some reason she is obsessed with finding out why I am having the nerve pain and the parathesias--I found a recent article on the Hypertrophic Pulmonayr Ostroarthropy I have that lists parathesias and one that lists buring pain.

Has anyone ever brought medical articles or info to their Dr? How offensive is this for me to consider doing it?

I just want to get on with greater things. I don't know why the mass in my lung has shown little if any growth, but I do know that I feel worse and I breath worse too.

Any help would be appreciated.


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I have taken printed information in to my oncologist before. I'm not sure if he finds it offensive, or not, but we discuss the "options", the article, the reliability factor of the information...

Heck, if she already doesn't like you, who cares? Take it in...and take her a sandwich, too! :wink:

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I've taken in articles before and if the dr was offended, he or she didn't act like it. I usually pose a question to them about the circumstances in the article and then ask how that applies to my particular situation.

It usually just ends up being a discussion about whatever would be the way to go with me. I think a lot is in presentation. On the other hand, some people seem offended no matter how you present something. So, if that's the case, why worry and just bring it in and get your questions answered.

After all, your appointment is about you.


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I've taken in articles I pulled off the net to docs before, asking questions relating to the articles.

For the most part - and perhaps I've just been lucky - I think my docs appreciate that I try to be well informed AND that I participate in my own health, including doing research on symptoms, etc.

I've had a doc or two who seemed perhaps a bit bemused by this....but really only one doctor who seemed to have a problem with the fact that I wasn't bowing and scraping at his feet for wisdom that ONLY he possessed, as I was simply the lowly (and apparently none too bright) patient. :?

Uh....need I say that I don't go to him anymore? :roll:

IF your onc doesn't like it that you've done a bit of research on your condition/symptoms/health....and have questions based upon that research....then I'd say the problem is with the doc, not you.

Take you articles in and ask your questions. It's a patient's right!

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We haven't taken the articles but we do go in and say that we read on the net about yada yada and he usually listens. He did put John on cumadin when I told him I read that he should be taking it with his port.

Forget the sandwich, take the rest of the chocolate cake. Good luck!

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Hi Elaine,

I ask my doctor anything and everything about lung cancer that I find. She always answers all my questions. If she does not know she says she will find out for me and get back to me. I found it works well if I write down all my concerns and questions and go over them one by one and write down what she says. If I disagree with something or don't feel comfortable I tell her and why and we go from there. She also appreciates that I'm pro-active and I would think most doctors would like that. It is about the patient first and foremost. Hope this helps. Prayers for the best of results for you.


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I agree. You should be able to present your dr. with any info and questions that you feel would help with your symptoms. We always ask lots of questions, mention things we see on the internet and once I e-mailed an article on estrogen and lung cancer and what his thoughts were. He called me back and we discussed it and he did not seem offended at all!

* Although he has always been great one time he did threaten to come to our house and take away our internet privlages (sp?)! :lol: He says we are always prepared and armed with questions.


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Has anyone ever brought medical articles or info to their Dr? How offensive is this for me to consider doing it?

We brought in articles/notes from research all the time.

I do it with my regular doctors when I'm concerned about something--or just to make sure that I don't forget to ask them about something that has been keeping me awake at night (since often I see them for such a short period of time during my yearly examinations).

Some doctors are more receptive than others--but generally, I've found, that once a doctor realizes that you understand what you are talking about (you can speak their language), they find it easier to communicate with you and address your specific questions and fears (they can speak in the language they have been trained to speak in, instead of cryptic, general, layman-speak--which not all of them are gifted at). They know you are active in taking care of your own health--and respect that.

Sometimes, they get a little wierded out if you have raised something they are not fully informed about -- and then there are those who think you are incapable of undestanding anything becasue you don't have the initials "M and D" following your name. If you are dealing with one of those--run away--quickly (if you have other and better options, which one hopes you do)!!!

The latter really bother me. (In my teens, I encountered a number of them in dealing with my migrane headaches. Thay seem to have trouble admitting that they simply weren't sure--and that medical science hasdn't gotten it all figured out, yet--sep. back then.) I may have chosen to become a teacher, but I am not an idiot. If I had wanted to be a doctor, I would have been one--so don't discount my intelligence. And if you don't know--tell me! Grrrrrrr.

Sorry for the rant.

Good luck with your appointment.


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Hi Elaine! Every time I go to my onc and my herbologist, I have a file full of research and articles for them. We go through them together. I have a different set for each - for my onc, I discuss research regarding new chemo treatments, trials, etc. For my herbologist, I discuss research papers and articles I get for alternative/complementary care. Both of my doctors are patient.

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Hummmm, I brought articles to my OBGYN, Pulm. Doc, Primary Doc, and my Heart Surgeon, and none of them took offense to them. And to top it all off they have even given me Websites to check out. Are you SURE your seeing someone in the Medical Field??? :P:shock: (just funning you)! Just joking)!!!

Have you EVER been staged with your cancer yet? Is anyone concerned with the fact that you have lung cancer rather then all this other stuff and that you use to smoke?? Does any of the medical professionals you deal with at ALL concerned that your a Lung Cancer Patient that has not had any kinds of treatments??? Maybe you could find a VET that would be more understanding and professional? :P I don't know how you can handle that. I would be in the nut house, but that's me!!!

I just can't imagine YOU taking this crap from anyone let alone a doctor or PCP. I've seen you in action here on the board and you handle yourself very well. Sure hope you can get some answers soon. I just can't help but remember back to your earlier post when you joined the group here, that you didn't have long to live. I'm very glad you have beat the odds without medical treatments. How did you find out that your mass hasn't grown? Did your PCP do a CT scan? Maybe you mentioned it in one of your other posts. If so, I'll come across it.

Well I wish you all the luck in the world. And as for your husband and his job. I have to say this, if he is that good of a Salesman as you say he is, and I have NO doubt he is, then I would think that a Very Good company would love to have him aboard. He sounds like he knows his stuff. I hope this works out for both of you. God Bless and Good Luck.

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Elaine, sorry, I missed this before you had your appt.

I dont think I ever brought an article, but I say the info I read. I do thinkm it is a good idea to bring in the article. I always preface doing such things as "I am so sorry, I make myself crazy, I am neurotic, I read things and I read this and I was wondering about it". That way they cannot take offense :)

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