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Bittersweet results


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Thanks to all for prayers and thoughts yesterday. The results were great, but I must say they were bittersweet. Before I left with Bill to meet with the neurologist I happened to read the post by TAnn, who had just received "not so good" news from her post WBR MRI and I have to say it shook me up. I sat there waiting with this lump in my throat and praying that we didn't get the same news...and then we didn't. We got great news; much to the surprise of the doctors, 4 of the 5 mets had disappeared and the 5th was much smaller. As happy as I was, I felt terribly guilty and my much awaited joy was stained by the pain in my heart for TAnn. It's odd that this board is where I come for help, support, prayers and understanding from people I wouldn't know if I passed on the street, yet somehow a "stranger's" pain was weighing heavily on my mind as we went out for a celebration dinner. Thank you Santa for my son's early Christmas present. Please God, give TAnn the strength to continue to fight. I will, as always, be praying for you TAnn!


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Beth, that's wonderful, amazing news!

As far as I'm concerned, the thoughts and prayers that I send to this group are for the good, the bad, and anything in between. That includes you right now, and TAnn, and the others. It's an amazing group of people, and I attribute much of my improvement to knowing they are here and going through many of the same things.

I hope you all have a great weekend and holiday season in which to enjoy this good news!


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You don't know how much your support means to me. Please rejoice in your fantastic news and know that I am rejoicing with you. The support of this community amazes me and also comforts me. Santa came early to your house, and I couldn't be happier. If anything, this lets me know that WBR DOES work for some of us and I am so glad it worked for Bill.


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Beth and TAnn and all the rest.

Beth, congratulations on Bill's success. That is good news.

I just want to add that although you people on this board have come to mean a lot to me, that it takes courage to come here and rejoice and grieve right along with you. It is not easy being a part of a support group and yet it is gratifying for me.

I do feel sad that TAnn's treatment was not successful. I talked to TAnn the first time in chat and I will never forget that short conversation. I was so happy to find someone like me!

And the guilt thing. I have just started to feel guilty about being a survivor. I knew in my heart from the beginning that I was going to beat this thing. But, it really bothers me that not everyone does. Why me? Why not all the other beautiful lung cancer warriors? There is nothing special about me that I continue to live while others continue to struggle. These are new feelings for me.. I know that they are twisted, but I can't help the way I am feeling right now.

In any event, I will continue to come here and be happy, and sad, and laugh and cry and get mad right along with the rest of you. Because, it is important that we not be alone in this thing..

I love you all.

Cindi o'h

Together WE heal.

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Ahhhh, Beth, such relief here!

As the saying goes, "You've come a long way baby." :lol::lol: Things were looking a bit bleak a while back, huh? You've gone from devastated to delighted, and this news just makes my day!

You are such a sweet compassionate person to compare Bill's results with TAnn's. I'm sad for TAnn, too, but just can't help believe that something's not quite right there. There's just something in my heart, mind and gut that tells me that there must be some mistake somewhere, and that's what I'm praying for.

Once again, your good news has made my day. I am so happy for you and Bill.



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Beth, sorry for the late reply.. I just saw this post. Congratulations on your good news.... your son must really "believe" in Santa now... I found it so inspiring that in the midst of your wonderful news you were still worried about our friend TAnn. It just reiterates what a wonderful soul you must be. My thoughts and prayers are also going out to TAnn and I hope she gets some encouraging news VERY SOON.

How is your husband feeling now? Last time you posted he was quite weak and sleeping all the time, no appetite... has that changed??? Would be curious to know!! Love, Sharon

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Hi Sharon,

Thanks for your, and EVERYONE'S, words of encouragement and joy. Bill is feeling much better. We were a little concerned that he was having an allergic reaction to (newly introduced to him) Gemzar; but he has since tolerated Gemzar well and we now realize that it was the side effects of the whole brain radiation. I cannot tell you how scared I was that it was the progression of the disease, but then I probably don't need to tell anyone...we ALL already know that fear. For now, he is slowly getting strength back, eating much better and feeling more confident than ever that by Spring this will all be a bad memory. Thank you again for your concern, it's a good feeling to know that others are thinking of and praying for you.


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