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Not good news.........


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Well, after dad's pet came back positive they went ahead and did a bronchoscopy and unfortunately they couldn't get to the spot. His onc. feels that it is most likely a recurrence even though they can't prove it and they want to stop the clinical trial of the taxotere and cisplatin and start six weeks of carbo/taxol with radiation. He had radiation with the laryngeal cancer and it seems to have been effective so maybe that is the route to go. We asked about going for an endoscopic ultrasound to know for sure but his docs feel that they would rather go for treatment now since it is early and they are hoping it will work. My dad even asked about taking the whole lung but right now they feel that that is too radical and they can still get it this way. Any thoughts? I guess its better to treat than sit and wait to see if it grows..............

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Well, dad decided to go ahead with what the doctors have decided, better to be aggressive than sorry. At least now that a decision has been made we can move forward to the treatment and move forward with our lives. SOmetimes the waiting and decision making is the worst part! Thank you for all of your input and I hope that each and everyone of you gets what you wish for this holiday season!


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