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APB for brm1949


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I know I should have given an update a long time ago. Sorry for the delay.

I finished up my IMRT and had 1 ct scan a month later. My ENT thought that to early for good results. The scan came back stable. I'm a little confused as to why it said stable instead of clear but I can accept stable. Lost about 25 pounds or so and still not putting any back on. My drs. don't like it but I'm OK with it. Still feeling some of the effects from the radiation but learning to live with it.. My next ct scan is sch for 3/10/05. I'm back to to watch and see mode. I know I should be grateful that I am still up and about. This time around sort of knocked some of the positive feelings out of me. Winter doesn't help much, pretty dark up here in the Buffalo area much of the time till spring.

I want to thank all you who have sent cards, they have lifted my spirits.

I will try to get with the program again and post. I'm finding I really need the support that comes from this site and all those who are a part of it.

To everyone here, have a Merry Christmas and a very healthy and promising New Year.


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Hi Bruce!

I'm so glad to hear from you. I sure do understand about the winter blahs. We are going to get 5-8 in. of snow tonight & tomorrow in Indiana, with 25 mph winds. I should be able to get to work ok, but getting back home is going to be tough. I'm hoping my road doesn't drift shut, and I'm even more hoping that they will let us go home early! :lol:

I'm so glad to hear about your stable scans, and that you are ok with your weight loss. I guess you could say we are all in that wait and watch mode, huh? Like Don Wood says, "It's our new normal."

Hang in there, Bruce, and I wish you and your family a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Don't stay away so long!



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Bruce....good to hear from you! I hope you start to perk up soon, following your treatments...but I do know how the winter blahs can get to you. Everything seems so gray outside some days, doesn't it? :?

Boy, I'd like to give you about 10 of those 25 lbs. you lost...cuz I'm 10 or so UP on the scale. I do recall that radiation sort of affected my appetite the first time...but when I had the PCI, it didn't really make me less hungry.

Happy holidays to you...and I am sending you some feel better vibes so that you get past the radiation effects soon! Hope to hear a bit more from you, now that you've touched base again. Remember....when the weather is miserable outside...you can always find good company here to distract you...ok? :wink:

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It's wonderful to get an update for you. So happy for the "stable" and understand the winter-doldrums sentiment. Hopefully the support of wonderful people on this site will help you face upcoming hurdles. Sending my best and wishes for a better New Year.

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Good to hear from you and VERY glad to hear you are stable!

Lately when it's cold and gloomy I turn on the Travel Channel and hope to see some nice warm spot I can visit in my head.

Try not to let winter get you down. I have lived up north and I know how long it sometimes seems before spring arrives, but it DOES arrive!

Happy Holidays!

love and fortitude


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I was so glad to hear from you. Stable is a good thing and maybe the next one will be even better at clear. You have had a really rough time, and winter doesn t seem to help my mood either. These short days I can barely get anything done. Keeping you in my prayers.


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Hi Bruce,

I had missed seeing you on the boards , as well. Sorry, you are suffering with the winter blahs. I know the holidays have sent me, as a caregiver, on an emotional roller coaster. Let's all pray for a healthier, more promising 2005. Take care and know that you have a lot of folks out here that care. Hang on to "stable" and take strength from all the thoughts and prayers coming your way.


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