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Results not so good


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Well, the CT scan shows that there is a tumor in her lung again and bone involvement, her T-8 vertebrae. He is recommending she start chemo after the WBR, but there may be a trip in between. We begged him basically to find trials that she could participate in bc she is so young and otherwise healthy. He said he has a good friend at MD Anderson, so he will let us know what kinds of trials are going on and let us know next week at her visit. We have to be ready to go there at any time. I am also going to look on my own. I guess the spine being involved is why she has so much pain. I hope the morpheine increase will help her soon. She is completely spent, depressed and keeps apologizing for putting us through this! That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. I told her I'd walk to China if it would help. Gob bless everyone here!!

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I am so sorry to hear that the news was not good. Your mom is very brave. Let me know if you end up coming to MD Anderson. I can give you some tips on how to navigate the facility. You can go to their website on your own and check out their trials. Just go to www.mdanderson.com and go to the thoracic department and click on clinical trials. They give you the requirements and goals for each trial.

My prayers are with you and your mom.


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DARN!! That's not what I was hoping to hear, Lori. Did he say what chemo she's going to get?

I'm sorry your mom is depressed, too. There has been a lot posted lately about ideas to help her get through this. Check on the General Forum.

Keep us posted, and I will pray for your mom.



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i hated when my mom and dad were apologizing for putting me through it too. I used to say I was the one who was sorry for being healthy in front of them. When mom had LC dad used to say I beg God to give it to me instead of you and then when dad got LC my sister would say I would take it away if i could . now sis has cancer but of the breast.

I just say I would cure you if i were able. but stop apologizing to me cause I don't need any apology, i need you mad enough to fight it and bitter against it to not let it win.

i send mucho prayers for your moms recovery.

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Lori, sorry that the MRI wasn't clean. Tumors on the spine can cause excrutiating pain because there is such a nerve network in the area. Lucie had her main tumor at C8-T1 and even though chemo and radiation took care of it, she still has to stay on morphine because of damage in the area. BUT, she can still walk fine, use her hands, etc. You mom's tumors should be treatable. Don

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I hope that somthing positive comes through from MD Anderson for your Mom! I agree with you though, and encourage you to look on your own as well. My Mum is currently on a clinical trial that my sister located for her through her own research. Mum's first scan after two months of treatment showed a 30-40% reduction in the primary tumour!

We have found that you need to be proactive with regard to treatment.

Sounds like you have the right attitude!! (You know, they ARE doing some interesting trials in China............!!)

All the best


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