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I am back, and a little scarred


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Hi, I used to be in this forun before, but when I came back for vacations I was out & was imposible for me to log in.

Next month I will be a 2 year survivor. :lol: Yesteday I had a PET scan & a Brain & chest scan. The resoults of the CT were perfect, but today the surgeron told me that in the PET,shows more light were I had my surgery, that I don't have to worried because there is a lot of scar tissue but it should be monitoring. I really don't know what to think. He tells me that I am cancer free but...

Please if somebody can give me some advice I will be really happy. I am a little hypocondiac & I am really scarred. Thanks a bunch


Stage IB adreno

I lobe remove, no other treatment

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Hi Bucky and WELCOME!

I agree with the others. I think your news is very good, and it isn't unusual for scar tissue to light up on a PET scan, so there probably isn't a thing to worry about. It is good to know, though, that they will monitor it just to be sure.

Once again, Welcome!


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Congratulations on 2 years. That's quite a milestone.

I think I will always be waiting for a recurrence.-- looking over my shoulder and waiting...

But, meanwhile, No Evidence of Disease, NED, is good enough for me!.

Keep an eye on your scans, and get on with this living stuff....



Prayers always

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Hi Bucky---I also saw your post on ask the experts. Although I am not an expert, I can tell you that I light up the scans many times as I seem to have inflammatory tissue in my lungs---I have had Pets that light on and Cats that don't and vice versa. I have even had them on the same day and they showed two differnt things! I have had reports where a spot will show and it says suspicious for metastic cancer, next time the spot is gone but in a new area.

My surgeon also kept on top of these and had me go for scans often. I know it is a worry, but scans do light up for other things than cancer---as you can see , it will be 5 years for me this year and I have had more scans light up than not---so as long as it is monitored---I think your surgeon is right

Best wishes and may you continue to be NED

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