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Visit With the Doctor


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Well I saw the doctor and the news wasn't what I hoped it would be. After looking at the scan of my chest they found 2 new nodules. Doc said he would like to take me off of IRESSA and put me on Tarceva. I had just had the IRESSA prescription refilled so he said we'd wait. Well, I took my first Tarceva yesterday. I pray that it works. My dry skin has gotten worse. I itch like crazy. But if that's the only side effect I have (besides a little skin rash) then I'll take it. Thanks for all of the good wishes. :wink:

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Thanks to everyone for all of the good wishes. I go to see the Oncologist this Friday (the 11th). I don't expect anything to be different after only 3 weeks (last saw the doc) and 1 week (started Tarceva). But you never know. I just keep on keepin on. :wink:

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