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Xray shows something last week

Guest Janet W password no work

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Guest Janet W password no work

Went in for an appointment with pulmonary doctor first week or so of June, had a chest xray, all was fine. Went in to see surgeon for regular checkup last week, had chest xray, doctor thought all was fine. I went out happy thinking I had at least another good 6 months. Got a call this afternoon -the nurse tells me the radiologist has spotted a density in the other lung - left hilar - and I'm to go in next week for a cat scan.

I guess this means that the cancer is back. Since this is in the other lung, then that means it has traveled I guess? And if it has traveled, then it must now be stage 4? Since they took out a third of my right lung last time - I can't imagine them being able to take out a half of my left and me still be okay.

I think maybe God is really angry with me.

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Don't panic. Plain chest x-rays are not very specific and this could be nothing at all. The radiologist is the expert but if the other doc's didn't see anything, I'd be skeptical.

Take a few deep breaths and try to relax Say a few prayers and we will too, and wait for the CT to see if there is really anything to worrry about.


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Dear Janet,

I know it's easy for me to say "don't worry" but really if you worry ahead of time, and it turns out to be nothing, then you've wasted all that time being worried! I tell myself this all the time - sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn't :? But try it anyhow, ok? and let us know how you're doing.


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HI Janet, I had an xray that showed a spot on my lung also, back in April I think. After the cat scan, it showed all clear. Shannon(bless her heart ) wrote me that reading an xray clearley is like trying to read with baby oil(or something like that) in your eyes. I hope you have the same results, I know it is scary business when the doc tells you he sees something on the xray, it was for me. Praying for the best for you Janet

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In the Old Testament, people thought that troubles and sickness were God's way of showing His displeasure, and I am sure that this is sometimes true. However, in the New Testament we are told that it will "rain on the just as well as the unjust", meaning that troubles and illness will visit everyone and it is not necessarily God's displeasure. I believe that message. I know it is very easy to think, "What did I do to deserve this?" That is human. But sometimes we don't deserve it and life gives it to us anyway. In my believe, God cries with us and is with us even in the troubles. Hang in there. Don

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Guest Janet W password no work

Sam, when I was first diagnosed in Nov/Dec 2001, it was because a radiologist spotted something that the doctor didn't see at all. The doctor who ordered the xray was a young, brand new doctor trying to be very thorough about my prolonged case of bronchitis - he saw nothing on the xray though. A week later, I got a call because the radiologist saw something. I can understand that an experienced radiologist might see what an inexperienced, young doctor wouldn't.

It turned out to be a 1.8 cm tumor, upper right lobe - The one doctor suggested we just watch it for 3 months at a time, and repeat scan - not do biopsy - said it was tiny and rare for someone in late thirties/early forties to get lung cancer - didn't think it was cancer -but I decided to go ahead and have needle biopsy. Results showed adenocarcinoma. They took it out right away. So that's my experience with things showing up on xray - the only thing that ever showed up on an xray of mine turned out to be cancer.

Pulmonologist told me afterwards that I would be fine - cancer was small, hadn't spread, was well differentiated.....to go ahead and have children, etc. Surgeon told me afterwards that I was cured - would be here at the five year mark, etc. The current lung doctor I visit (first one moved out of West Virginia because of insurance thing) told me last month I didn't NEED a cat scan - I was fine - when I asked if I might need one.

It's been 18 months since my lobectomy. I visited the surgeon's office last week, had the xray. The doctor, who is an experienced thoracic surgeon, didn't see anything suspicious on the xray. Maybe he would be more likely to see something than the young doctor back in 2001? Maybe it is more likely that there is nothing there, as the surgeon most likely would have noticed it? I was beginning to think I would be okay, And then this "there's a "density"..need a cat scan" news. I really and truly hope it vanishes, and isn't there when they do cat scan - I had large obstruction show up on kidney when bone scan was done a year ago - then had an ultrasound for that and it showed nothing but happy, healthy kidney, no obstructions. It's encouraging to hear David say his spot turned out to be nothing there - I hope mine turns out 100% okay too.

It killed my uncle. It killed my dad. I kinda' figure we have the kind of genes that aren't the surviving kind of genes.

Don, I can think of a gazillion things I've done in my lifetime to deserve being damned. I truly can. I was hopeful that God would forgive me. Maybe there is a line - a limit - that once you cross it, it is too much, too late, I don't know. If God cries with us in our troubles, why does He not fix them? He CAN - He can do absolutely ANYthing - but if He doesn't then I suppose it is because He doesn't WANT to - If He doesn't want to, then that means I've been forsaken. Otherwise, I'd not be left to perish.

I feel like I'm setting the world's record of going from Stage 1 to Stage 4 in no time flat.

I will hope for the best, hope for a vanishing act of this "density" (is a density same as nodule/tumor/mass? it is, isn't it?)......

I'm bummed, depressed, majorly depressed. I feel like it is most certainly cancer again. I pray that God will be merciful but why would He?

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God doesnt make bad things happen. Bad things happen because there is sin in the world which brings in sickness, unhappiness, and pain. We can pray. God can step in and do anything. He does answer prayer in many different ways. When we feel He doesnt, we have to trust we will know the "why" one day.

Dont despair over the news you just learned. You dont know anything for sure, and even if it is the worst case scenario, you dont know yet what can be done for you. You can read on this board all the survivors who have beat recurrances.

This is easy for me to say, I know, my father is still in the middle of his battle, we havent even gotten to check up scans yet. So, just know Im praying for you tonight. Keep us posted, please.

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Dear Janet

Janet I am 3 yrs post-lobectomy and every-time I get a scan they see something new that is gone the next time----I always have a density in my scans and I am fine---I have had pet and cats the same day and both showed something different--one showed something by my gall bladder, which has now mysteriously disappeared --last November I had enlarged lymph nodes and my surgeon was worried and actually did a bronchioscope and a mediastinscopy and biopsy of the lymphs and all were negative---my last scan in June showed a density---but no change from the last scan -----so please do not think right away it is cancer----get it checked out---it may be nothing

no matter what you did in your life----or what your believe in---there is nothing that you could have done bad enough to "deserve" cancer---

regards Eileen


lobectomy 6/00--

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Dear Janet,

Okay, so there is a couple of people who just told you many times its nothing. Dont drive yourself crazy. Like Linda said even if it is dont despair, you know so much can be done. There are too many survivors on this board to think other wise..Try to stay positive.

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I think it rather ironic but purposeful that at a low moment in my life, I am called upon to defend God! My belief is that God loves us so much, He created us with free will, not to be puppets that are mindless and just obey. He could have created us that way, but He wants us to choose to love Him, not to be made to love Him. I think it is all about love and serving, and boy do we get the opportunity to do that! Anyway, because we have free will, we have free will to muck it up, and that is what humans have done through the centuries. Yet He still sticks by us and loves us. It is very easy, because we are sinful, to point at things in our lives that are bad and thus we deserve what we get. If we really deserved what we got, things could be a lot worse. So, He does not save us from everything, even when we deserve it, and wants us to know He loves us and is with us anyway, through all the pain and frustration. I see little ways in my daily life that tells me this is true. And I honestly talk with Him and tell him, "This is not fair. I need a rest." We can only know He is with us if we choose to look for Him. He knocks at the door, but we have to open it. Well, enough of the sermon. I hope and pray, Janet, that things will get better for you and for all of us. Don

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