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Thank you for your prayers and test results


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Hi All,

I promised myself that I would not post results until I updated my profile with my history. In my unusual fashion, I made a simple task into a major project so this note is almost month after I received my test results. At the begining of the month, I received results from my brain MRI (first since WBR) and a chest xray (first since starting Altima). Well, we got some good and bad news.

The brain MRI is pretty much clear. Two spots were highlighted by the radiologist. Both the Radiation Oncologist and the Neuro-Oncologist agree that one is a vein and the other was there before treatment. They feel since it did not change in size and did not respond to the radiation that it is unlikely cancer but we are watching it every two months.

The chest xray, however, was not as good. There was slight growth after two cycles with the Altima. So, we started taxotere which was too hard on my intestinal tract. After one treatment, the doctor switched me to Taxol. Lets hope that this is the magic drug for me.

Thanks for your prayers and support. You are all always with me in my thoughts and prayers.

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