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FIL has passed on & Mom having Talc Surgery Today

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My sweet, funny FIL passed away today with his best friend at his side. He had been sleeping for about 20 straight hours. Our daughters (7 and 9) wanted me to tell "Opa" that they loved him and wished him a hug. It seemed as though he was not aware of anything around him -- just deeply sleeping. So I leaned right up to his ear and told him what the girls wanted him to know. Then I talked to him about joining his wife of 44 years in heaven and being together again. He moved his mouth and eyelids flickered as it seemed he was responding to these words. I can't explain how great that felt that he heard me - that I could tell him that we loved him.

The rest of the morning he never responded in any way. Even when the nurse came in to adjust his pillows to make him more comfortable - he never responded.

Part II today: My Mom had the Talc Procedure performed at City of Hope due to pleural infusion that returned every couple of months. The surgeon said she did great, and the outcome was all that they had hoped for. (So there's my good news today to go along with our sad news.)

Thank you for all the kind responses. It's nice to be a member of this beautiful, loving community. May God Bless~

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I am sorry you lost your FIL so quickly. He and your mom have

been in my prayers every day. I will still keep your mom in

my prayers each day. Glad to hear she is doing well after the

procedure today. How is she doing with the brain mets?

No after effects from the stereotactic procedure.

God Bless and prayers,


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Hi Kerry,

My condolences for you FIL's passing. I pray eveything works out for you mom.

You are a very strong person. You mom must be so proud of you for all your support and love.


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