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Update on my mom


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Well the anyerusm is more serious than we thought. The risk of rupturing normally is 2% per year, culmative, so each year larger risk. However fact that it was not on prior MRIs leads them to believe hers is growing faster, so risk of rupture is higher.

2 alternatives for treatment. First is less invasive, a radiologist does a coiling (of course significant risk since it effects brain). However she may not be a candidate for that due to size and shape. Then second and less pleasant is brain surgery which is pretty major and has a lot of risks.

She will need an additional angiograph test before we know which route.

Never a dull moment. And no, this is not related to her cancer, it just happens to people. My mom feels like a cat with 9 lives with the cancer being caught before spreading; blood clot was found; and now this.

I am not too happy these days, so I am not posting too much b/c I just have a whole lot of stuff going on. I am glucose intolerant (not diabetic, but close) due to polycystic ovaries and I have to deal with that and the fertility stuff. Plus work. Etc. So I apologize for my lack of presence.

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Dear Andrea,

First big hug to you!!! I remember the days of having all too much on my plate that made me feel I couldn't face another day. It feels so overwhelming and daunting. I am always here for you, so call me if you need to cry or vent.

Your mom is in my thoughts.



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I'm so so sorry to hear this news but I'm glad to hear that it's treatable. Although brain surgery sounds very scary, the people that do the surgery are amazing and do them all the time. The one that did my mom's surgery was maybe 32 years old. I was so worried, but she was in control the whole time and did an excellent job. She does 150 brain surgeries a year. Keep us posted. I will have your mom in my thoughts.

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I am so sorry that life has taken this turn for you. I know only too well what this is like as my mother is also not doing well at this time.

You and your family are in my prayers that God grants you what you need to get through this.

All my love,


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Hi Andrea,

Thinking of you, and sending you strength vibes.

You sure have much on your plate, I don't think I could hold up like you are. You are an incredible person. You do so much.

You take your time and just do what you have too. We are all here thinking of you and wishing you and your mom to be well.

Just post when you can to keep us updated.


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Oh Andrea! Take a deep breath and breathe! My dad asked the other day what he did to deserve all this. (Loosing his mom on 01, and then his wife in 04) my sis and I told him no one deserves any of this, and that God isn't punishing him like he thought. God doesn't do that. He may test you but, he doesn't punish you. God gives us what we can handle and sometimes there are those who can handle more than others. You hang in there girl and I hope you got the story I sent you.

Will be thinking of you with prayers and hugs.

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Andrea - God is looking out for your Mom, she's finding stuff EARLY on, right? that is GOOD. It is TERRIBLE that all of this is happening to her, but things are being caught early and dealt with.

I really wish, though, that there was an easier and simpler solution than what you just outlined. Both sound pretty invasive.

I don't know what to say, except that somehow God gives us the strength to carry on, and you will, and your folks will, too, and before long this will be over with and she will be OK.

Hang in there, kiddo.


p.s. I have PCOS, too, take metformin for it, so am familiar with that. you are going through alot right now, I know, been there, done that, and the hormones don't help, either. Just hang tough.

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