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Need ASAP response- allergic reaction to MRI Gadalidium?


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Jen, I can't help you there. But Iam sure you will hear from others who have that experience.

I pray your scan comes back with better news and that you do not have a bad reaction to the contrast.

Sending prayers to you.

Will be thinking of you tomorrow.


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Jen, I am pretty sure this is the stuff I have had for my brain MRI's. I can't find the order to confirm it but it sure sounds familiar. I have not had any reaction to it. I can be affected by alot of medications and stuff but not to this one. I sure am hoping that you will have no trouble with it. There will be a doctor on the premises if you have any problem.

I am wishing you the best tomorrow and praying for NO side effects.

Love and hugs,

Nancy B

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I, too, am allergic to the CT IV Contrast dye. But the contrast used in the MRI is not the same as the one used for CT imaging.

I've had numerous MRIs of the head (I have a benign brain tumor). I have not had an "allergic" response to either of the contrasts used for my MRIs (one of which is Gadolinium), though it does make me feel a bit of nausea for a few moments after injection. This feeling passes quickly, though.

Here is some info on MRIs and the contrast agents used:

http://www.mr-tip.com/serv1.php?type=db ... t%20Agents

http://www.mr-tip.com/serv1.php?type=db ... t%20Agents

There should be a Physician right there with you when the injection is administered, Jen. Just make sure they know your history of allergic response to the IVP/CT dye.

I'll be keeping it all crossed that things go well for you.

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Ditto the above also. I don't take the contrast for the CT scans either as I had an allergic reaction in the past. However, when I have had my brain MRIs, I have been told that contrast wouldn't affect me and it hasn't.

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