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I'm going to Gopher Country on Friday, returning the following Sat. I can't believe what we're doing. And, I can't believe that we are old enough to do it. We're going to Con's 50th class reunion in southern MN. Con isn't fond enough of MN to stay very long, so he'll be back in FL on Tuesday.

The Golden Gopher hall pass will be fine. I'm sure y ou have many of them. Thanks.

Muriel K


Have a wonderful 50th reunion. I like what Don said that everyone is happy because they've lived long enough to be there. Makes sense to me. Have a great time!

Gail p-m


Have a great time! Tell us all about how the football captain and the head cheerleader turned out!

Badly, I hope! Tee hee! 8)


P.S. If you or Con were one of the above, I take it back! :oops:


Lucky for you, Leslie, Con was not the football captain. He did play baseball and hockey, tho. And I was neither a cheerleader or homecoming queen. One can only assume that they had their 15 min. of fame in high school.

Muriel K


Wish I were going to my 50th class reunion!!! :D

Hey Muriel.. when you get there, look around. Everyone will look older than you two. I know that you will be the best lookin' couple there. Have a great time. And welcome home. What will you be sure to visit or buy while you are here?

Cindi o'h


I went with my mother to her 50th high school reunion - in 1980! I think I had as much fun as she did. It was a small school in Kansas, and there were quite a few who showed up. She's 92 now, and isn't sure if any are still left besides her. At her 50th, 2 of her teachers showed up - awesome! Of course, "back then" many teachers started teaching when they were the same age as some of their students, or even younger.

It was much fun though -- and she's so glad she went.

Have a wonderful time!



Oh Cindy, you are so kind. I didn't go to Con's HS, but looking at his yearbooks, I always thought some of the people looked sorta funny. (Maybe it was 50's hairstyles, tho.) Somehow, I feel that we'll feel the oldest. It's been a tough year for both of us. We're just glad that we are able to attend. And, there's nothing like going home. Since Con's parents are gone, home for us is Mpls where we have one son and lots of college friends. Plans: Dinner at the Black Forest on Fri., the reunion on Sat, dinner w/ cousins in LeSueur on Sun (dinner in St. Peter, probably. I don't think LeSueur has restaurants.) Dinner at Tavern on Grand one night. And lots of spicy food the other nights. Also, gotta hit Mannings (on Como SE). ALso am going to the MN History Center to complete my genealogy projects - I'm into old newspapers now. We're bringing mesquito repellent and, in hopes that your weather changes, warm clothes. By the way, there is a wonderful book by a StarTrib writer (deceased by now?) about Scandinavian immigrants to MN. "And Bring Warm Clothes."

Muriel K



Have a blast from the past!! It should be called a Golden Oldie Pass. :lol: Just kidding, I am having my 40th :shock: coming up soon.

Hope you have a nice mini vacation, it sounds like you have all your bases covered.

Enjoy!! :wink:



I missed my 40th last year...dang it. So am hoping very much to be around for the 50th....where I shall return as...uh......er.....ummmmmmm......former head cheerleader, for the football team. :oops: (There was a separate squad for basketball.)

Does that make me a bad person, Leslie? :wink:

My momma always told I was "born to cheerlead" and in some ways, I guess I'm still doing it...but it can't be ALL bad, can it? :roll:



Ummmmm...i went to my 10-year (yeah, i know, a baby still! :wink: ) as a former cheerleader for the football team...just not the head one! :oops:

Muriel....have a GREAT time "back home". I loved Minneapolis when i went visiting up there!


You know, crow is actually pretty tasty when you've eaten as much of it as I have! A nice baked crow with a side order of foot in the mouth...mmmm mmmmm! Thanks for giving me the opportunity to have my favorite meal! :wink:



Met the captain of the football team - unimpressive. Homecoming queen wasn't there. All of Con's classmates looked SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO old - gray and/or white hair, etc. Saw what appeared to be a "trophy bride," but she was a classmate! (i.e. 67 years old) We had a wonderful time. Best of all (for a former Minnesotan) was the walleye (it's a fish).

Muriel K


Glad you had a good time and glad you're back! You know, I've heard other people from MN say walleye is the most delicious fish in the world! I've never tried it! We don't fish ( :oops: ) so I don't get to eat it unless they sell it in the supermarket or have it at a restaurant. Anybody got a spare walleye to ship to northeastern Colorado?




walleye cheeks are THE best! I agree Pat! Wow! I can't believe you know about walleye cheeks.

Where'd you have the walleye? beer battered? Or broiled? It's all good. But, all from Canada, eh? Or Red Lake from the Indian harvest.

Sounds like a good time, Muriel.

Cindi o'h


I don't know where the walleye came from. I had it broiled at the reunion and breaded/fried? at "Tavern on Grand" (both were really good). Had fish (cod, beer battered) and chips at Monte Carlo. Have you Minnesotan's tried "Everest on Grand" (Nepal)or "Dashen" on Lake St. east of the construction? I don't think Mpls/StP had good restaurants when we lived there. Every time we go back we find new, really good ones.




How could someone who knows Paul Bunyan Land not know Walleye cheeks?

Some time I will tell you about the Turkey Tes**** Festival they have in Byron IL.



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