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Gary had his surgery


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On the 26th Gary had his surgery at moffitt and the surgeon took out his right lobe and resectioned his bronchi tube that the cancer was attached to. The surgeon said that he has never seen a tumor encased in only one lobe and also the size of his fist with out spreading out and down.All of the margins came out clean.we will find out the rest of the report on the 19th.Gary was in the hospital for 9 days due to an air leak in his lung so I hope he was not rushed out to fast. I am concerned that he feels so out of it and he has not taken pain meds for a few days so I don't think that is the cause.. He is also depressed and he was so positive before surgery. is this the norm?

One more question. Our oncologyst suggested Platinum plus another drug for Chemo. What are the side effects of platinum?What I have read does not sound pretty.

Thank you all for your prayers.


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I don't have experience with surgery, so can't talk about post-op depression. I'd imagine someone would feel depressed after any major surgery. You know how people say they are depressed or feel so vulnerable after their home has been invaded and robbed? Well, I had my car broken into once and I felt so invaded and strange afterwards. I can imagine if my BODY were invaded by surgery (even for a good reason)I'd feel I was suddenly changed, not myself anymore. And that's hard to accept.

When I read your post, besides just being glad your husband did so well, I thought it was a REALLY GOOD thing to hear he had beaten the odds of having a tumor like that without spreading! That's a big PLUS for him to hang on to when he feels down.


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So glad you wrote in Lorrie. I was depressed after I found out I had cancer. It is such a shock to hear. Sounds like you got a pretty positive report from the doc. It takes time to get used to knowing you have cancer and it takes time to get over surgery when they take out part of your body. it is a shock and trauma to the body itself. Things sound pretty good on the whole. it will take some time for Gary to recover from the surgery. It is amazing that he does not have to take pain meds. Will be praying that his recovery is complete and takes a very short time. pammie

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Sorry he is having a rough go of it right now. I can't know what it is like to have a lung out..wish I did :D

I guess I would keep talking up how lucky he is to have that dadblasted thing gone and all the positives that you just mentioned here. It may help for him to hear it repeatedly.

Chemo isn't fun for anyone. But there is a saying around here. It is doable. Platins are rough. Yes. There are side effects, but not everyone gets all of the side effects and certainly not all at once. You just take it as it comes and deal with each as it presents itself. If you have a good doc and nurses, then they will help him through this. Usually, there will be a solution to help to minimize the side effects.

Well, you two have come a long way so far. Congratulations! Now to heal up. This time will give you the opportunity now to study up on lung cancer and the treatment options.

Thanks for the update! (Oh, and stop by the pub anytime for a belt or cup of coffee!)

cindi o'h

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everything above sounds right on to me. I have also read that the "trauma" of anesthesia can cause chemical changes in your brain that lead to depression-like symptoms. I had super-minor surgery back in Sept., but with general anesth., and I felt it. I don't generally have depression, so it was bizarre.

That coupled with the fear and sadness that seems to accompany a diagnosis of LC make his depression understandable (but crappy, all the same.)

I don't want to give 'advice' - I just know constant reinforcement and little pleasures seemed to help my mom's spirit immesurably. Reminding her that, even in the face of her horrible complications (like Gary's) the cancer was GONE also went a long way.

Anyway, hang in there.



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It sounds like Gary's surgery was very successful. I think depression is something most every cancer patient and their caregivers have experienced. As for the side effects of the chemo drugs, every patient is different. Some have no side effects while others will experience every possible side effect. I will be thinking of you and Gary and saying lots of prayers.

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Hey Lorrie!

We'll pray for continued recovery. Be sure to take care of yourself during this time, too.

In my mom's non-cancer-related surgeries, she had different emotional reactions that we generally attibuted to the anesthesia. We laugh about some of them now. I didn't understand it myself until I had surgery some years ago. I remember feeling out of control, and crying a lot (very un-me). Hopefully you guys will move past this soon.

How lucky to have such a supportive you to help out!

:) Kelly

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I believe Platnium would be something such as Cisplatin or Carboplatin which is in the same group as Platniums. Not sure but sounds like what my moms doc kept saying to her. Side effects from any chemo may or may not be tough depends on the body's response to drugs!

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It is amazing that he does not have to take pain meds. Will be praying that his recovery is complete and takes a very short time. pammie>>>>>

Gary was given pain meds for home but after the massive amounts they had given him at the hospital it sure did a number to his stomach so after the first few days at home he said he would rather deal with the pain.Gary likes to be a REGULAR guy.

Thank you so much for your prayers.


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Thank you all for your prayers and support. Today has been a good day for us. We went out for a bit and then Gary took a much needed nap.

What we had most dreaded was his first shower which we did yesterday. Gary was afraid as was I in having to take the dressing off of the area his chest tube had been in. From all the fluid leaks from the chest tube during his hospital stay his skin was raw from having his dressing changed every few hours.But we got over that hurdle pain free and he is a new guy.


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