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Too many people are gone


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These past few weeks have been just awful for our board. It seems all i'm reading about is one death after another. It has me very down. Yesterday and today i feel numb. My husband suggested to take a break, but i feel if i did i would be not here to cheer on the good things that happen.

Please God, make it stop raining.

Joanie :cry:

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I'm in the same boat as you are Joanie. This has been a VERY SAD heartbreaking few weeks.

I think I might just take a little break.

I should be a little on the happy side today, being it's my birthday, but, with the loss of all our wonderful friends here at LCSC and Peter Jennings and now Dana Reeve's. ENOUGH ALL READY!

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This has been a terrible few weeks. There has been so much sadness and grief that it is often hard for any of us to deal with. But...we're all here to help each other along and we can't let this get us all down at once. Think maybe we should take "shifts" and rotate the "down" time? I hope we all have better times and sunny skies to look forward to.

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For sure this has been a very bad week. Not just bad for us here on the boards, BUT in the news as well. Bummed out does not begin to touch my emotions.

Does anyone else wonder what they can do to make themselves feel any better? I jsut don't know where to turn.


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I feel the same way Joanie, we all do. It has been one thing after the other. Sometimes I am afraid to come on because there might be more. But there is also the good news too.

Lets pray for some quiet peace for a bit. We all need it. I can't seem to get my thoughts in order I am always on edge.


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I had e-mailed my sisters about all the bad news on the forum lately. Told them all to keep us all in their prayers and at church gatherings. I am having to think about positive things and my life is full of blessings. all you lovely people on this web site are part of the good things. Thank you. pammie

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