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Mom made it through the hurricaine

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Just received your posts as we have been without power. On now only briefly with the generator but Mom got her power back 3 days ago. It was quite an experience with the O2, the electric bed , the gas shortage, etc I think I spent at least 3-4 hours in lines to get her her morning coffee and hot food for dinner. After it was over she only remembers eating bread and butter...oh well. Mom started PT today Im hoping it will help. She wont do any exercise for me but for a stranger she does it.

well, thanx for all the responses...now if the lights would just come on...Janet

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Glad you all made it through okay. Standing in those long lines for your mom's morning coffee is a real act of love. Seems like a little thing, but I'm sure it means a lot more to her than if you bought her a diamond necklace.

I've read other caregivers here mention their loved one will do exercises and therapy for professional staff but not for them. Guess we all feel safer being "difficult" with family, huh?

Hoping for a life closer to normal soon!


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Janet, I'm so glad things are improving for out neighbors just south of us. I know how difficult things must have been for you without electricity. It sounds like you did all the right things!

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Glad things are getting better.

Look, it is easier for me to work the PT (and painful) parts of recovery with a stranger. When things are painful and/or difficult to do because of my breathing limitations it is easier for me to plow through it with a stranger, because the stranger doesn't wince when I do. They don't love me, and I don't have to worry about upsetting them when they see me suffer through some of the rougher aspects of treatment or therapy.

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