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Late Stage NSCLC Marsha


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D Hi to all my friends,

Thank you for all your prayers and well wishes and good thoughts.

I had my brain surgery 7/31 and all went well. The tumor was removed

and this Thursday, 8/7 I will be having Gamma knife surgery. Then on

8/11 I will be starting to get 15 treatments of full head radiation.

The Gamma knife can always be done later. The radiologist said all scans

were clean in June and then I get 2 brain mets, which could have cost

me my life. The success rate for Gamma knife is 90 percent. That is

a very encouraging statistic. The doctors are amazed at my coordination

and memory. They will monitor me very closely every 3 months with

Brain MRI's. that way they can attack the lesions in early stages. The main

concern was chest, abdoman and liv er. The brain was clear this past

November 02. I will let you know the outcome. I've had a very gratifying year and certainly a scarry one. I'm enjoying the small

things in life and the riches we are blessed with and are sometimes unaware of. All the people on this board whether they are caregivers.,

patients , family are very, very strong and humble people. God Bless

You all, you are my other family,



Age 61, dx 12/01 Adenocarcinoma, NSCLD Stage 11. Right lung removed

1/02No follow up necessary. 4/02 spread to lymph nodes had Taxol/

Carboplatin chemo 6 treatments beginning 5/15/02 ending 8/28/02,

7/03 diagnosed with 2 brain mets, treatable. Stage IV NSCLC Adenocarcinoma

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Dear Marsha,

Thank you for the update in the midst of your ongoing battle with this disease. In spite of your troubles, I was very uplifted by your reference to enjoying the small wonders of everyday life...how very true. Thank you for the gentle reminder and know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.

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Your message ought to be uplifting to any one with brain mets, here you are posting only 4 days after surgery! Hope the radiation goes as smoothly. thanks for the reminders of all we have to be grateful for.

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