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What Advice Do You Give ????


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When you find out that someone has lung cancer what advice do you give? A contractor that we do work with, who I conside a good friend, just told me he has been told that his doctor "thinks" he has cancer. results are a bit indecisive, as first he was told there was something there and then that they thought there was nothing. Now, it turns out that the "nodule" that was 5 cm a month and a hald ago is now 8 cm. I advised him to stop "playing" with family doctors and call MD Anderson immediately for a second opinion. I tried to do this in a very "non-panic" mode but I was really worried. Is there anything else I should or shouldn't have said?

Anyway....please say a prayer for Dave.

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I think you gave him great advice. That's a fast growing cancer (5-8 in on month) and could be small cell. That was perfect what you said. Only thing else he can do is get that appointment fast, take notes when he goes and go with a relative/friend to the appointment. Prayers for Dave.


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Ann you did the absolute right thing. SO MANY PEOPLE GO INTO DENIAL WHEN THEY HEAR THE C WORD. A former customer of mine i learned from talking to him that he has SCLC not that i could'nt tell by his new bald features that he had been getting chemo. Anyway i thought i was being helpful when i told him he had the most dangerous form of Lung Cancer and he had to really fight hard as it was a long tough road. Well he avoid's me pretty much now as he believe's he has beat it and i hope he has but the hard fight part i think upset him so now i leave it along and hope he's right .......

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I think you did the right thing to get him to get a second opinion. The man needs to go to a good oncologist right away and start some treatment on it soon, if it is cancer. I don't think it has to be M. D. Anderson, but he certainly needs to go to a good oncologist in his area. Don

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Don...I recommend MD Anderson to anyone in this area. Dennis was a patient at the MD Anderson in Orlando and I can't speak highly enough of their entire medical staff. The treatment Dennis and I both received at Anderson was so wonderful. The doctors have a very positive - let's kick butt - attitude. The Orlando facility is only about an hour and a half from Palm Bay and I consider them to be well worth the drive.

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Advising someone is always hard to do. If there is one arguement I want to win it's the one where someone is able to live better or longer. You did good, Ann.

I hate second guessing myself. So I think getting a second opiniion is good.

Prayers to Dave!


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Ann you did great. I did that recently to someone who had a cancer scare (not lung). I said "I do not want to be pushy or butt in, so you can tell me to shut up, but this is what I would do and I am only saying this from experience with my mom." And I went into the steps of gathering all records, keeping copies of scans, getting into a surgeon and oncologist, etc.

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I think to encourage a person to get the best medical help available is the right thing to do. If they do not take your advice as it was intended you still know that you said/did the right thing.


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I think you did just what you needed to do !

I was recently in a similar situation :My brother- in-law had an abdominal CT Scan last month- his doctors (general surgeon) office (the nurse) called and told him the abdominal scan was fine but they did see a spot in the lower lobe of his right lung and they would like to re-scan him in 3 months......click......It toatlly freaked him out-he called the office back the next day with questions for the docotor-no return call...I suggested he go back to his PC who had referred him to the general surgeon (for abdominal pain)and talk to him- he did and was sent immediately to a pulmonologist- Who by the way says that the spot that the lesion is in is not a place where he has ever seen a malignancy so they will rescan him next month just ot compare size.....

With everything I read on this site and given what Racehl went through the past two years I will ALWAYS encourage people to seek out a second opinion when dealing with anything supsicious on thier lungs!!!!

More info than you wanted- sorry for being so long winded!!!

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