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We need more good news!


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I wasn't actually going to even post this, actually I wasn't even thinking about it being good news worth posting, then I thought we really all need to concentrate more on the good stuff and maybe less on the bad and these last couple of weeks haven't been very good.

Hugh was euphoric this morning when we got up. (If he wasn't on these damn steroids he would have been merely pleased). He woke up in the middle of the night and said he laid there for a couple of minutes and wondered why he felt different and it dawned on him he could actually feel the left side of his face perfectly. I asked him if he was sure he wasn't dreaming and he was sure. This morning it is numb again but tingly. So now we know that the radiation is probably working and also that the nerve is probably not broken forever. At least I would think that would be the case since he had feeling in his face for a while last night. Also the swelling in his arm is not as bad as yesterday. I guess that means that the blood thinners are working. Giving him the shots isn't bad at all and it makes it so much better for him and me also. Neither of us wanted to have to go to the ER twice a day, and he was really uncomfortable with VNA coming in to do it. I think it made him feel like he is an invalid. Not that he should.

So, this seems to be the lift he needed as he has been really depressed for the first time and seemed like he might be thinking about giving up. The blood clot seemed to be the straw that broke his camel's back. Today is better.

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Yep, I love GOOD NEWS. Little good news, medium good news and big good news.

Remember, we measure in baby steps, or silly millimeters here.

If Earl has an improvement and I get excited, he says, 'But I'm not all better". And I say, "You are right, but you are moving in the right direction".

May we all move forward a baby step, a giant step or for those of you who remember, an umbrella step.

Hooray for Hugh.

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