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Returning the "evil taboo" pass


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Aloha! I am back, tanned and jet lagged but very happy I went. I kayacked in Kailua, jumped off waterfalls in Maui, watched the surfers on the Banzai pipeline, and ate passion fruit right off the tree. The conference was very educational ( :roll: ) and I had some nice, quality time with my boss. I will DEFINATELY go back to Hawaii....with Dave, I HATED being away from him for so long.

I also learned two days before I came home that a close friend passed away unexectedly, and I felt so far away. His funeral is tomorrow, and as sad as I am I am glad to be here in NYC to show up for his wife (she's 3 months pregnant, and they have a 2 year old). So if anyone has a spare prayer for Rocco Mazzone, the sweetest man in Queens, and his family, it would be much appreciated.

I also turned 34 today :D and spent the day with my best friend, Davy. Rocco's wake was hard, but I spent the dayfeeling loved and blessed.

I missed you all so much - still amazes me how much. Suki continues to do great, and I only called her every other day :lol: so things are getting better.

I'm overwhelmed at the thought of getting caught up here, but I will.

love and leis :wink:



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You're back!!! YAY!!!

What a whirlwind trip to Paradise, huh? Bet you can close your eyes and imagine it all right now.

So sorry about Rocco. :cry: So rough on his wife and children. An accident? Goes to show, you never know, do you?

Glad Suki's fine. Did you bring her back any souveniers? Did you get a lei at the airport? (Spelled l-e-i, the flower kind! :roll: )


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Glad you are back with a suitcase full of memories. Did your boss see you in your bathing suit :? I bet he did, and I bet he thought you looked great! Sorry David!

Sorry about your friend, Rocco. Too sad to even think about right now. I have a friend Rocco too. In fact, he used to post right here. I found him by searching for pancoast tumors. He actually lives not too far from me. We email and have even talked on the phone. Plan to meet soon too! Anyway, I digress. I cannot imagine this tragedy.

Glad to hear Suki continues on the mend. That is ALWAYS good news for us to hear. We missed you and are happy you are back with us! Hope your day yesterday was a good one!



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Well Happy Birthday you little dickens, you!

Welcome home. That is spelled, "Aloha!"

Your trip sounds wonderful. Kailua kayacking.. is that Bellow's Beach? I forget. :oops:

Sorry about the tragic death of your friend, Rocco. I am sorry for his family and I don't even know them. How awful for his wife and children, Aime.

Happy to have you back with us. Please rest up. And now that you are home, no more leis, okay? :P

Glad Suki is okay too.

love ya, bun.

Cindi o'h

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Bunny Bunster! Welcome back! Missed your smiling face. Sounds like you got your company's money worth on this trip!

So sorry to hear about your friend and his family. I'm never going to understand how life works.

I know Suki missed you but sounds like she thrived too! Good for both of you.

Welcome back home Bunny friend,


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