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Update on My Mom

Andrea B.

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Well, we got the results to my mom's PET scan today. I was hoping to post under Good News that she was in remission or NED, but unfortunately it isn't the case. The results show my mom still has active cancer cells in her lung cavity and lymph nodes. I absolutely hated the look on my mom's face when the doctor told her the news. But we won't remain down long...we are sticking with the battle and shooting for the goal of remission. Her doctor will give her a few more weeks of the Carbo/Taxol combo and then do another PET scan. If active cancer cells are still present he will change her chemo drugs.

The optimistic side of me says well...the cancer has shrunk and there are no mets. I must maintain a positive outlook and hope.

They also think her persistent cough is being caused by the cancer still present in the lymph nodes.

My mom had been hoping to make it to jury duty at the beginning of September, I think this gave her an outlet away from cancer. So now she is disappointed not to be going. I am going to plan a special outing or escape for her now to get her mind off the cancer. I don't think I have ever mentioned my mom's name, Lillian. Or most people call her Lilly for short.

I hate this disease, but will do all in my power to keep my mom battling. Thank you to all of you who continue to keep her in your prayers.

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